The organic movement adopts culture of innovation for the common good
April 14, 2015
Building on the concept of Organic 3.0, IFOAM - Organics International and its partners in the Sustainable Organic Agriculture Action Network (SOAAN) continue broadening consensus that the organic sector must break out of its niche status. This will happen by adopting a culture of innovation and continuous improvement that works to implement best practices across a full spectrum of sustainability dimensions – social, ecological, economic, cultural and accountability – for the benefit of all of agriculture and the peoples of the world that depend on it.
Organic methods form a sound base from which to innovate, but the organic sector also acknowledges advancements in scientific research and technology – both from within and beyond the sector– must be considered and further developed in ways that do not risk ecological stability or human health. The organic movement is therefore reaching out to like-minded parties to share knowledge and act synergistically for the common good of the world.
Transformation to a sustainable, healthy planet requires simultaneous action on three complementary fronts:
- Capacity building and education for producers, consumers, and other stakeholders, including scientific demonstration of the benefits of organic practices and openness to improvements in appropriate techniques, and clear understandable messaging for the general public.
- Policy reform that addresses the true costs involved with sustainable production, accounting for all dimensions of sustainability in a way that incentivizes improved performance.
- Market framework revision to assure credible, meaningful, valid claims are accessible beyond a small niche, by adjusting existing assurance methodologies and enabling new ones.
Implementation has begun!
The following outputs and activities are foreseen:
- A narrative document describing Organic 3.0 including its rationale, drivers, intention, and action plan. Anticipated for public consultation in summer 2015.
- An Organic 3.0 conference in Korea October 9-11, 2015 where the aforementioned document becomes finalized in preparation for broad stakeholder engagement.
- Proactive engagement of actors to implement the action plan beginning late 2015.
- A worldwide multi-city simultaneous conference (simulcast) to coordinate, communicate, and further envision the manifestation of Organic 3.0 and its contribution to global sustainability and well being.
Further Information and Contacts:
Regional Conference on Marketing & Innovation in Organic Farming
More news from: IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements)
Website: Published: April 14, 2015 |