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New documentaries, website show herbicide atrazine helps save water and conserve soil

Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
May 9, 2012

• Challenge preconceived notions about pesticides
• Present the facts about atrazine
• Feature farmers as stewards of the land

Syngenta today announced the launch of a new website, “Saving the Oasis,” featuring three short documentaries that tell the story of how atrazine helps modern farmers protect precious water and soil resources while aiding the environment and economy. The site also contains information about other Syngenta efforts that help farmers preserve water.

Agronomists, scientists and other experts featured in the movies present factual proof of atrazine’s positive environmental effects and safety. The films also include interviews with real farming families who rely on atrazine to help produce enough crops to feed the world.

“The documentaries illustrate that modern farmers are innovators and environmentalists,” said Vern Hawkins, Syngenta region director, North America. “They show how today’s farmers are protecting wildlife, preventing soil erosion and improving water quality — all while dramatically increasing their production.”

Atrazine is one of the most thoroughly tested, trusted and effective herbicides, and used in 60 countries. Atrazine enables a modern farming practice called no-till, where farmers plant crops and control weeds without plowing or turning the soil. No-till farming keeps millions of tons of carbon from being released into the atmosphere; reduces diesel fuel use up to 28 million gallons a year; and saves 85 million tons of fertile soil a year from eroding into streams and other waterways — where soil runoff is the No. 1 source of pollution.

“Syngenta is focused on protecting global water supplies by finding more efficient ways to farm using less water,” said Hawkins. “The world’s population is expected to reach 10 billion by the end of the century. To feed all those people, we will need to at least double agricultural production. Modern agricultural technologies, such as atrazine, allow farmers to grow more food with less land, less water, less energy and less impact on the natural environment.”

In addition to its well-documented environmental benefits, atrazine supports up to 85,000 American jobs, according to recent economic research. And it is credited for adding as much as $4.8 billion to the nation’s economy every year.

The new videos can be viewed at www.savingtheoasis.com.  
More information about atrazine can also be found at www.atrazine.com.  

More news from: Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc. (USA)

Website: http://www.syngentacropprotection-us.com

Published: May 9, 2012

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