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Climate change-driven species' range shifts filtered by photoperiodism

Source: Nature Climate Change

Kari Saikkonen, Kari Taulavuori, Terho Hyvönen, Pedro E. Gundel,,3 Cyd E. Hamilton, Irene Vänninen, Anne Nissinen & Marjo Helander
Nature Climate Change Volume: 2, Pages: 239–242 Year published: (2012)
DOI: doi:10.1038/nclimate1430m
Published online28 March 2012


Forecasts of species range shifts as a result of climate change are essential, because invasions by exotic species shape biodiversity and therefore ecosystem functions and services. Ecologists have focused on propagule pressure (for example, the number of individuals and invasion events), the characteristics of an invading species, and its new abiotic and biotic environment to predict the likelihood of range expansion and invasion. Here, we emphasize the role of photoperiodic response on the range expansion of species. Unlike temperature, the latitudinal gradient of seasonal changes in day length is a stable, abiotic environmental factor that does not change with local or global climate. Predicting range expansions across latitudes and the subsequent consequences for native communities requires a more comprehensive understanding of how species use day length to coordinate seasonal growth, reproduction, physiology and synchronization of life cycles with interacting individuals and species.


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Published: April 3, 2012

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