Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
July 30, 2024
Dr. Nancy Tout (PhD) of GIFS is co-lead of the AGAC project.
Genome Prairie, in partnership with Genome Canada, has launched the Agriculture Genomics Action Centre (AGAC) project, as part of the recently announced Climate-Smart Agriculture Food Systems (CSAF) initiative.
The AGAC is a knowledge hub that will further advances in genomics research relating to agriculture and food production in Canada.
Dr. Nancy Tout (PhD), Chief Scientific Officer of the Global Institute for Food Security (GIFS) at the University of Saskatchewan, is co-leading the initiative that will gather outputs from nine significant agricultural genomics projects that began in 2023.
“The Global institute for Food Security’s mission underlines collaboration with partners to accelerate research and deliver meaningful innovation for the market. Working together through this Centre, we will help make knowledge relevant and usable so it can inform policy creation and support the commercialization of climate-smart solutions with economic, environmental and social benefits for Canada’s agri-food sector,” said Tout.
The new initiative is made possible through Genome Canada in partnership with Genome Prairie, Genome British Columbia and Ontario Genomics. It’s supported by $2.3 million in federal support from the Canadian Ministry of Innovation, Science, and Economic Development via Genome Canada and $2.4 million in additional funding from provincial governments and industry partners.
Genome Prairie news release