December 12, 2024
China - Additional round of genetically engineered corn seed production and operational licenses issued
Seeding Solutions grant helps develop corn resistant to fungal diseas
Syngenta Deutschland - Ein Heft – alle Infos: Der neue Ratgeber Ackerbau 2025
Five crop science projects funded under Bayer – Niab Challenge Grant Program
The Weed Research Organisation (WRO) Archive - a new dawn
Innovatie als drijvende kracht - Enza Zaden staat op een trotse 19e plek in de R&D top 30 van Nederland
Tomato grafting and other new skills: Nor Sovun’s story
SeedConnect 2024: Empowering Nigeria’s farmers, strengthening agriculture together
United Kingdom - Recommended List performance underlines strong year for DSV varieties
ARVALIS - Maïs fourrage : les résultats complets des variétés expérimentées en 2024
ARVALIS - Maïs grain : les résultats complets des variétés expérimentées en 2024
Cómo afrontamos los retos del cambio climático y la digitalización en la agricultura
France - Une « baisse préoccupante » du nombre d’agriculteurs multiplicateurs de semences (Réussir)
ISF World Seed Congress 2025, İstanbul, Türkiye on 19-21 May 2025 - Registration is now open
Proactive management can lift crop yields - LG Seeds agronomist walks through key elements in the corn yield formula
Uso de semillas mejoradas mitiga riesgos de fenómenos climáticos (Portafolio)
Semillas Batlle, del Maresme del siglo XIX a la cebada contra el colesterol (Segre)
Looking at the science behind tomato branch control (Horti Daily)
Empowering data-driven breeding: Advanced biometrics, quantitative genetics, and digital tools training for WCA NARES partners
China hopes to breed food security success with quality soybean varieties focus - China completed a census of its agricultural germ plasma resources earlier this year amid a focus on food security (South China Morning Post)
How a U.S. federal court pushed agriculture biotech back decades (AgDaily)
A technical approach to global plant genome editing regulation (Nature)
Breeding and Research Services publishes 13 standard operating procedures for trialling and nursery
Why early-stage on-farm sparse testing could be a game changer for crop breeding in Africa
Gene editing and plant domestication as key tools for food security and facing climate change
Guinea grass reference genome to open new territories in forage breeding
WeedChat: An AI-powered chatbot answers thorny questions
Argentina - Raigrás Rápido INTA, un cultivo estratégico para el pastoreo
A new technical approach to global plant genome editing regulation
Abertas as inscrições para X Congresso Brasileiro de Soja
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