February 4, 2021
As part of its $32 million Capacity Initiative, WGRF is pleased to announce a $266,942 infrastructure investment for field equipment at the Chinook Applied Research Association (CARA) located at Oyen, AB.
“CARA’s program of applied research, demonstration and extension provides an important link in the transfer of knowledge and technology between research and the producer,” says, Dr. Keith Degenhardt, WGRF Board Chair. “WGRF is very excited to be making this investment in their program to increase research capacity.”
A full line of small plot equipment will give CARA the capacity to conduct quality applied research and demonstration projects. CARA’s applied research includes over 3500 plots of variety trials (both annual and perennial crops), agronomics and rotation studies plus evaluation of crop and soil amendments.
“With this funding from WGRF we are able to purchase assets (plot combine, tractor, ¾ ton truck, GPS unit, cargo trailer, and a mower tractor) that will ensure the quality of applied research conducted at CARA conducts is not compromised by mechanical limitations during seeding, harvest or site maintenance,” Dianne Westerlund, CARA Manager.
“Funding for capital purchases such as this equipment for CARA can be difficult for producer-directed research associations to access,” says Garth Patterson, WGRF Executive Director. “That’s been the goal of our capacity initiative, identifying the gap, either in human resources or infrastructure resources, and then funding a solution.”
In total, twenty-four Phase 2 Capacity Initiative applications were approved by WGRF. Additional Capacity funding announcements will be made in the coming months.