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July 17, 2024

Rhizobacteria identified to combat striga and boost sorghum yields in Ethiopia

April 8, 2024

Österreich - Sorghum – Anbauempfehlung und Kulturführung

August 4, 2023

Does it pay to treat fall armyworm?

July 31, 2023

Sorghum is clearly suitable for methane production
Le sorgho a de sérieux atouts pour la méthanisation

July 24, 2023

A weed trial shows the benefit of applying a safener to protect sorghum from herbicide injury (FarmProgress)

May 12, 2023

Recent advancements in the breeding of sorghum crop: current status and future strategies for marker-assisted breeding (Frontiers in Genetics)

May 3, 2023

De bonnes conditions d’implantation pour le sorgho

April 20, 2023

Kansen voor mengteelt sorghum en mais (Melkvee)

April 13, 2023

Sorghum: Anbauempfehlung und Kulturführung - Sorghum hat sich in Österreich bereits viele Jahre bewährt und in vielen unterschiedlichen Witterungsverhältnissen seine Anpassungsfähigkeit unter Beweis gestellt

March 16, 2023

Male-sterile sorghum may offer dairy cows needed energy with less water use - Texas A&M AgriLife research indicates water-efficiency and highly digestible fiber is possible

March 6, 2023

Biofortification could help enhance sorghum nutrition (High Plains Journal)

January 31, 2023

Sorghum: the unlikely food source for pollinators

January 25, 2023

Adapting growing seasons to climate change can boost yields of world’s staple crops - New research estimates impact of farmer adaptation to climate change on maize, wheat, rice, sorghum and soybean

November 14, 2022

Seed-based technology offers peace of mind from sorghum forage risk

November 11, 2022

Seed-based technology offers peace of mind from sorghum forage risk

June 27, 2022

Lupin used as winter cover crop boosts summer sorghum yield

April 12, 2022

Sorghum – Anbauempfehlung und Kulturführung - Sorghum hat sich in Österreich bereits viele Jahre bewährt und in vielen unterschiedlichen Witterungsverhältnissen seine Anpassungsfähigkeit unter Beweis gestellt

April 4, 2022

Whole-genome resequencing of Sorghum bicolor and S. bicolor × S. halepense lines provides new insights for improving plant agroecological characteristics (Nature)

March 14, 2022

University of Nebraska–Lincoln research aims to enhance crops' tolerance to the cold

February 2, 2022

Sorghum and other drought-tolerant cereal crops can provide better nutrition and more sustainable agriculture

January 25, 2022

Under the hood: How environment and genomes interact in plant development

January 6, 2022

Bioenergy sorghum’s roots can replenish carbon in soil - A new Texas A&M AgriLife study shows the annual crop can sequester atmospheric carbon dioxide

December 17, 2021

Bioenergy sorghum’s roots can replenish carbon in soil - Texas A&M AgriLife study shows the annual crop can sequester atmospheric carbon dioxide

July 15, 2021

Wild sorghum offers toolbox for climate-proofing future crops

June 18, 2021

E-book analisa qualidade do sorgo sob diferentes maturadores

April 27, 2021

Sorghum – Anbauempfehlung und Kulturführung

March 31, 2021

A genetic solution to ensure sorghum stands firm

December 17, 2020

Higher oil production in plant leaves could revolutionize vegetable oil industry, University of Missouri researcher finds

August 19, 2020

Improving protein digestibility in sorghum - Crop scientists identify gene codes affecting sorghum protein digestibility

August 11, 2020

Flavonoids' presence in sorghum roots may lead to frost-resistant crop


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