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May 11, 2017
United Kingdom - Angus Monitor Farm meeting looks at under sowing barley with grass
May 2, 2017
Western Australia - Wheat and barley fact sheets help growers maximise profits
March 29, 2017
Heritable genomic fragment deletions and small in-dels in the putative ENGase gene induced by CRISPR/Cas9 in barley (Frontiers in Plant Science)
February 14, 2017
United Kingdom - AHDB's fungicide performance information sheets for wheat and barley revised and online
February 13, 2017
Canada - Growing 180 bushels of barley - Barley 180 wants to know what it will take to top up Alberta barley yields (Grainews)
February 2, 2017
Why is green leaf area so important to monitor in cereal crops?
January 8, 2017
Shotgun proteomics of the barley seed proteome (BMC Genomics)
November 4, 2016
New GMO could protect wheat and barley against deadly blight (Genetic Literacy Project)
October 31, 2016
Australia - Keep ahead of disease with diagnostic testing
New MutChromSeq technique makes valuable genes easier to find
October 24, 2016
PhD student from the Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics investigates aspects of drought tolerance in barley
September 21, 2016
Two genes identified which could help protect barley against powdery mildew
August 18, 2016
Fungal intruder ante portas! - An international research team found new targets to strenghten cell walls against the powdery mildew pathogen in barley Gene zur Verteidigung gegen Mehltau in Gerste entdeckt
August 10, 2016
Major pathogen of barley decoded: new avenues for control - The fungus that causes Ramularia leaf spot in barley is the latest organism to have its genome sequenced and investigated
KWS Sortenberater Weizen, Gerste und Roggen
August 3, 2016
Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture research achieves breakthrough in breeding for waterlogging tolerance in barley
July 26, 2016
England: Integrierte Bekämpfung von Ackerfuchsschwanz zeigt Erfolg
July 18, 2016
Lessons in adapting to climate change from one of the world’s oldest crops
Genome of 6,000-year-old barley grains sequenced for first time - New data on barley domestication discovered
July 10, 2016
Are insecticidal seed treatments an option for control of barley yellow dwarf virus in winter wheat? (Farm Progress)
June 27, 2016
Queensland, Australia - Trials target new barley disease management options
June 2, 2016
On the surface: genes identified that give wheat and barley their matte appearance - Researchers find cluster of genes responsible for the matte, bluish-grey colour of cultivated wheat and barley
May 13, 2016
AHDB Variety Selection Tool: helping growers make more meaningful choices
March 17, 2016
Field Pathogenomics: a defence against rust and other "Cereal Killers"
March 11, 2016
expert Prognose
March 4, 2016
World first database collates information on proteins in wheat, barley, rice and maize plants to facilitate research into new crop varieties (ABC)
February 25, 2016
Spring barley varieties that have a better tillering ability could be linked to higher yields, helping to explain why many of the newer varieties are offering such increases in yield, says Ron Granger of Limagrain UK
February 23, 2016
United Kingdom - Disease management information revised and online
February 12, 2016
United Kingdom - Use the correct seed rate for spring barley varieties to ensure optimum establishment
January 22, 2016
New ways to get crop disease observations from AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds
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