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April 6, 2020

Ireland - Root growth essential to reach potential yields (AgriLand)

March 9, 2020

Tweaking management to get the best results out of hybrid barleys (The Scottish Farmer)

September 3, 2019

Future proofing cereals for climate change drought conditions

September 2, 2019

Drought-tolerant barley could help 'future-proof' whisky industry - Researchers at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh have found a gene that helps barley cope with climate change (BBC News)

August 19, 2019

Malting barley requires care when drying, in storage

August 13, 2019

United Kingdom - Syngenta's new app offers aphid spraying alerts against Barley yellow dwarf virus

August 9, 2019

Research delivers barley head loss insights

July 23, 2019

Barley yellow dwarf virus tolerance proves its worth with Limagrain UK's winter varley variety Rafaela

July 11, 2019

Rätsel der gestreiften Gerste gelöst – Entdeckung des Variegation-regulierenden albostrians Gens

May 9, 2019

Manejo de cevada é tema de encontro na Embrapa Trigo

May 1, 2019

Wild barley reveals drought tolerant traits that could improve elite cultivars

March 6, 2019

Australia - Treat seed ahead of 2019 plant to reduce barley loose smut

February 27, 2019

Roggen - Ertragspotenzial durch gezielte Düngungsmaßnahmen sicherstellen

February 4, 2019

Spotting ramularia in barley, subject of new video

January 11, 2019

Der südliche Weg der Gerste – Herkunft der Qingke-Gerste in Tibet durch Genomsequenzierung geklärt

November 5, 2018

Australia - Late crop herbicide application (crop topping) on barley

June 20, 2018

Barley seed lot quality ontrol using AgriSeq Targeted GBS for malting success

June 12, 2018

«Des solutions agronomiques existent pour produire de l'orge sans imidaclopride» (Terre-net)

April 27, 2018

Hybridizing barley: a step change in productivity - Watch a farmer talk about how Syngenta's Hyvido hybrid barley increases yields

February 8, 2018

United Kingdom - Latest advice on spring barley agronomy

December 22, 2017

Barley is ideal for cool-season cattle grazing

November 9, 2017

Australia - Seed testing and dressings key smut strategies

September 18, 2017

Digital resource a boost for Western Australia's barley industry

August 30, 2017

Australia - New approach to barley disease shows results

August 14, 2017

Waterlogging tolerant barley breakthrough - In a breakthrough for barley growers, trial work in Western Australia has successfully tested varieties with a new waterlogging tolerance gene (Farming Ahead)

July 12, 2017

Need a tool to push the potential of your barley crop?

July 11, 2017

France - Protection complète des céréales avec la gamme Elatus de Syngenta

June 7, 2017

Roggenblüte und Mutterkornabwehr

May 15, 2017

France - Orge d’hiver et jaunisse nanisante : des alternatives aux néonicotinoïdes ? (Circuits Culture)

May 12, 2017

Schadbild-Finder für Weizen, Gerste und Roggen

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