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March 24, 2014

Annual meadow-grass control in spring barley

March 20, 2014

Weed control in winter wheat and barley - Here we focus on chickweed and roughstalk bluegrass

March 17, 2014

Western Australia - New screening service for growers to distinguish between the barley varieties Scope and Buloke

March 7, 2014

Hybridgerste: Ist eine Startdüngung mit Gülle sinnvoll?

February 24, 2014

Canada - Syngenta delivers improved convenience for cereal and pulse growers with registration of Cruiser 5FS Seed Treatment for on-farm use

January 27, 2014

Saatbau Linz - Salome als Hauptbraugerste bestätigt

December 9, 2013

Western Australia - Choose varieties carefully to reduce rust risk

November 25, 2013

Fungicide performance in oilseed rape, wheat and barley

October 25, 2013

Battleships tactics to gain genetic edge over acid soils

September 19, 2013

Nutrition planning simplified with new GRDC app

September 16, 2013

Syngenta's VIBRANCE - Online tutorial

September 2, 2013

VIBRANCE Extreme from Syngenta - Combining three top-performing active ingredients
to boost rooting power

August 27, 2013

USDA researcher Phil Bregitzer developing headblight-resistant GMO barley (Capital Press)

August 26, 2013

Frost data to assist wheat and barley growers to reduce risk

August 19, 2013

Brasil - Líder em tratamento de sementes de soja, Standak Top ganha registro para sete novas culturas - Sementes de milho, algodão, feijão, trigo, cevada, sorgo e amendoim poderão ser tratadas com o produto

August 16, 2013

Defend cereal crops against yield-robbing diseases - Syngenta solutions for healthy roots

August 9, 2013

DuPont Panoflex herbicide receives U.S. EPA registration for preplant application on wheat, barley and soybean (Farm & Ranch Guide)

July 30, 2013

Australia - Fungicides – protecting yields in the fight against foliar diseases

July 26, 2013

Study of Fusarium langsethiae infection in United Kingdom cereals (HGCA Student Report 23)

Embrapa recomenda adoção de ações emergenciais contra a mais nova praga das lavouras de milho

June 28, 2013

Potassium helps protect against cereal killers

June 26, 2013

Potassium can lessen barley disease impact

June 20, 2013

United Kingdom - Consider vigour benefits of hybrid barley in rotations after weather difficulties this season

June 19, 2013

Canada - Syngenta's CruiserMaxx VIBRANCE Cereals Seed Treatment

May 9, 2013

United Kingdom - Weed control flexibility Extension of Authorisation for Minor Use for BASF's spring barley herbicide Crystal (Farmers Guardian)

May 6, 2013

Hyvido Hybridgerste garantiert höhere Erträge

May 1, 2013

Gene silencing set to boost agricultural yields

April 29, 2013

USA - Syngenta reminds spring wheat growers to remain proactive, even as Northern Plains weather delays planting

April 25, 2013

Planting small grains late can reduce yields

April 23, 2013

United Kingdom - New website launched for Syngenta's Hyvido hybrid barley

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