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November 27, 2014
Seed dressing is key to loose smut control in barley
November 7, 2014
Western Australia - Take steps now to stop the rot in cereal crops
November 6, 2014
USDA/ARS researchers isolate stripe rust resistance markers in barley (Capital Press)
October 21, 2014
New reference guide for Western Australian barley growers
September 29, 2014
Wintergerste - Welche Sorten eignen sich bei verspäteter Aussaat?
September 19, 2014
Saatbettbereitung zur Wintergerste
Nitrogen research to boost malt barley
September 9, 2014
Wild grass could provide new targets for wheat and barley breeding research
September 4, 2014
Mutated BRI1 in "uzu" barley can provide disease resistance
September 3, 2014
United Kingdom - Barley introduction delivers rotational and weed control benefits (Farmers Guardian)
August 27, 2014
Precision Laboratories' new seed treatment packs nutritious punch (AgWeb)
August 25, 2014
Western Australia - Trials examine barley ability to beat weeds
August 15, 2014
Fungicide not the solution to black spotting on barley
August 13, 2014
Der aktualisierte Sortenvergleich jetzt online - einfach, neutral, schnell und kostenlos
August 5, 2014
Western Australia - Research to solve cereals sowing quandary - Wheat or barley…what is the most profitable crop to sow?
July 25, 2014
New hope for powdery mildew resistant barley
July 22, 2014
How University of Western Australia researchers are speeding up seed production for new wheat (Phys Org)
July 8, 2014
Wieviel Stickstoff vertragen Braugerstensorten?
June 19, 2014
Expanded MyCrop app a grain crop troubleshooter
June 16, 2014
Don't let barley leaf rust erode profits
June 13, 2014
Nitrogen pushes HRZ barley to 10-tonne yields (GRDC Ground Cover)
June 10, 2014
United Kingdom - Hybrid barley offers a potential second wheat replacement and could help towards black-grass suppression (Farmers Guardian)
May 27, 2014
Canada - BASF recommends flag leaf as optimal spray timing for cereal leaf diseases
May 23, 2014
Cornell University plant pathologists help thwart vexing grain disease
May 20, 2014
Western Australia - New cereal disease treatment on the horizon for rhizoctonia
May 19, 2014
Dampening the threat of powdery mildew
May 14, 2014
High-throughput phenotyping to detect drought tolerance QTL in wild barley introgression lines (PLOS)
May 2, 2014
Western Australian research hones powdery mildew fungicide advice
April 24, 2014
Wie bekämpfe ich Netzflecken und Ramularia in Wintergerste?
Seguris Opti gegen Schaderreger in Weizen, Gerste und Roggen
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