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November 16, 2015
High yield crops a step closer
October 28, 2015
Digging deep to drought-proof Australian barley
October 12, 2015
France - Variano Xpro, dernier né de la gamme Xpro de Bayer CropScience: une solution performante pour aider les céréaliers à protéger leurs cultures
September 9, 2015
Nouvelle Zélande - Rendement record en orge : 13,8 tonnes à l’hectare (Terre-net)
September 3, 2015
Welche Sorte ist für meine individuellen Bedingungen am besten geeignet? Hier kann der KWS Sortenberater helfen
August 24, 2015
Management suggestions for barley yellow dwarf virus control
August 12, 2015
Genetischer und Geografischer Ursprung der Gerste aufgeklärt - Kulturgerste ist zwei Mal unabhängig voneinander gezüchtet worden
July 31, 2015
Two new barley plant genes discovered (The Lead)
June 1, 2015
United Kingdom - Redigo Pro, a new seed treatment from Bayer CropScience
May 6, 2015
Pilznestern im Getreidesilo auf der Spur - Das BMEL-geförderte Forschungsverbundvorhaben „OptiScreen“ soll die Lagerfähigkeit von Getreide verbessern
May 4, 2015
United Kingdom - Canopy from BASF for spring barley and spring oats
April 20, 2015
United Kingdom - T2 fungicide advice for high barley yields (Farmers Weekly)
April 14, 2015
Verdesian Life Sciences introduces new cereal fungicide - Improved grain quality through enhanced control of DON is targeted
April 10, 2015
Maladies foliaires des orges d’hiver : quelle nuisibilité et quels moyens de lutte ?
April 9, 2015
Benefits of BASF's Xemium fungicides over and above direct disease control
March 30, 2015
New South Wales and Queensland, Australia - Plan ahead to keep crown rot at bay
March 25, 2015
Identification of QTL underlying physiological and morphological traits of flag leaf in barley (BMC Genetics)
INNO GRAIN-MALT - Entwicklung trockentoleranter Gerste mit verbessertem Samenertrag und gesteigerter Brauqualität
March 20, 2015
Healthy grain fibre helps barley resist pests
March 11, 2015
Jetzt neu von KWS Getreide: Sortenberater für Weizen, Roggen und Gerste
February 28, 2015
New light shed on the microbial battleground between soil and roots
February 27, 2015
BARLEYmax - A wholegrain developed by CSIRO has superior health benefits that can help combat cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes and colorectal cancer
February 18, 2015
United Kingdom - Independent studies have confirmed that wheat and barley crops treated with Adexar fungicide from BASF generate additional yield
February 15, 2015
North Dakota Certified Seed - 2015 Seed Guide (North Dakota State Seed Department)
February 9, 2015
Friendly fungi -- how they could help barley growers feed the world without chemicals
February 6, 2015
A smut by any other name - Smut is one of the few diseases that’s not a hot button issue this winter. But true loose smut can cause headaches for barley growers. Here’s how to keep it out of your fields (Grainews)
New tools to breed cereal crops that survive flooding
January 19, 2015
Canada - Adama's new Rush M herbicide tackles tough Group 2 resistant broadleaves
December 15, 2014
Australia - Latest variety information available on National Variety Trials website
December 8, 2014
Traitement de semences : Raxil de Bayer CropScience contre le charbon nu de l'orge (Terre-net)
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