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Oilseed crops

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August 30, 2024

Management matters when protecting your stored oilseeds

July 19, 2024

Camelina, un cultivo de servicio que aporta rentabilidad

February 13, 2024

United Kingdom - The benefits of oilseeds in your rotation

December 22, 2022

In-season U.S. Nuseed carinata production practices

February 3, 2021

Efficient prediction of oilseed germination quality

December 17, 2020

Higher oil production in plant leaves could revolutionize vegetable oil industry, University of Missouri researcher finds

September 2, 2019

Unlocking a mystery of seed development promises fatter, oilier oilseeds (PNAS)

September 24, 2018

How a molecular signal helps plant cells decide when to make oil - Details of mechanism suggest new strategy for engineering plants to make more oil

June 24, 2018

University of Southern California alumnus is revolutionizing the jet fuel industry with biofuel made from oilseed

June 5, 2018

Chinese scientists boost the production of oil plant Sapium sebiferum by "transsexual surgery" on its flowers

April 10, 2018

Removing the brakes on plant oil production - Biochemical understanding of how plants regulate oil synthesis could point to new strategies for producing renewable energy-rich chemicals

January 3, 2018

Study suggests new targets for improving soybean oil content

October 4, 2017

Study shows genetically modified soybean oil causes less obesity and insulin resistance but negatively impacts liver function - UC Riverside mouse study compares Plenish to conventional soybean, coconut, and olive oils

July 26, 2017

GM plants promise fish oils aplenty - A new study highlights the complexity of plant lipid metabolism, the challenges of manipulating biosynthetic pathways and the rewards of being able to predict outcomes

October 31, 2016

Calyxt generating healthier high-oleic low-linolenic soybean variety with increased oxidative stability and enhanced shelf life -  Article available in BMC Plant Biology 

April 6, 2016

Enzyme discovery leads scientists further down path to pumping oil from plants

January 21, 2016

Fatty acids from GM oilseed crops could replace fish oil

November 9, 2015

Increasing production of seed oils

November 3, 2015

ISB News Report, October 2015

August 13, 2015

Biochemist studies oilseed plants for biofuel, industrial development

July 8, 2015

The first GM oilseed crop to produce omega-3 fish oils in the field

June 22, 2015

Avec le projet Altitude, nominé du concours ITA’innov 2015, la filière des huiles et protéines végétales prend de la hauteur

May 8, 2015

Three-pronged approach tackles costly oilseed and pulse diseases in Australia

February 10, 2015

Application mobile myVar - Toutes les données variétés du CETIOM dans la poche

February 3, 2015

CETIOM - Guide de culture TOURNESOL 2015

January 29, 2015

Gene silencing technology boosts levels of monounsaturated fats in flax (Genetic Literacy Project)

January 12, 2015

End-use customers demand change in oil - Soybean farmers can meet demand and capitalize on opportunities

March 24, 2014

Boost profits by growing healthy oilseed (Farmers Weekly)

March 20, 2014

Bei der Bekämpfung des Rapsglanzkäfers im Frühjahr 2014 Bienenschutz berücksichtigen

August 6, 2013

USA - Supplemental herbicide labeling on oilseed crops


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