Digital resource a boost for Western Australia's barley industry
Western Australia
September 18, 2017
Western Australian grain growers and advisers wishing to optimise barley crop profitability now have one place to go – the Grains Research and Development Corporation’s (GRDC) western region Barley GrowNotes™.

The Grains Research and Development Corporation’s western region Barley GrowNotes™ will provide a boost to Western Australia’s $1 billion barley industry. Photo: AM Photography.
The new and comprehensive digital resource contains a vast wealth of information and aims to cover all issues relevant to barley growers. It allows the reader to access topics in various levels of detail, depending on their requirements.
GRDC Western Regional Panel chairman Peter Roberts said barley – a major focus for RD&E investment by the GRDC – was WA’s second most important crop after wheat, delivering the State about $1 billion annually in export grain and malt earnings.
“The production area has remained relatively constant while production has more than doubled from 2000 to 2016,” he said.
“WA is a leading supplier of malting barley to China and shōchū barley to Japan and a major supplier of feed barley to the Middle East and China.”
Mr Roberts said the GRDC western region Barley GrowNotes™ would help growers maximise their profitability by providing them with the latest information gathered from barley research, development and extension (RD&E) providers – ranging from pre-breeders through to research agronomists.
“Areas covered in the publication include planning and paddock preparation, in-season issues including weed control and diseases, as well as harvest, storage and marketing,” he said.
Quick links are provided for Frequently Asked Questions such as:
- Should I target feed or malt barley?
- What variety should I grow?
- What are the advantages of early sowing?
- How do I manage foliar diseases such as rust?
- How can I improve crop competition with weeds?
- If harvest is delayed what are the costs?
Those seeking very specific information on an issue can use links to further information including research papers, videos and podcasts.
There is also scope within the publication itself to provide feedback about its content.
The GRDC western region Barley GrowNotes™ is available at
More solutions from: GRDC (Grains Research & Development Corporation)
Website: Published: September 18, 2017 |