A ProMED-mail post <http://www.promedmail.org>
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases <http://www.isid.org>
Date: Thu 25 Aug 2016
From: Mark Laing <laing@ukzn.ac.za> [edited]
It might be of interest that we are developing _Trichoderma harzianum_ strains to control _Sclerotium rolfsii_ on soybean and groundnut. This appears to be a close relative of _Nakataea oryzae_. Two of the strains are extremely pathogenic on _S. rolfsii_, so I am optimistic that we can make good progress.
We also showed that one of the _T. harzianum_ strains provides for excellent control of blast on upland rice of African origin. We have published a paper on rice blast resistance breeding (QS Mulbah et al
(2015): Combining ability and gene action of three components of horizontal resistance against rice blast. Euphytica 206, 805-814; DOI:10.1007/s10681-015-1522-0), but need to publish the biocontrol aspect urgently.
As such, I would guess that there would be strains of _Trichoderma_ (the species is not as important as the strain) that could be developed to control rice stem rot disease. The biocontrol agents would probably attack the mycelium and the sclerotia of the pathogen.
Professor Mark Laing
School of Agricultural, Earth and Environmental Sciences University of KwaZulu-Natal Scottsville South Africa <laing@ukzn.ac.za>
[Our sincere thanks go to Professor Laing for this valuable information.
The fungus _Nakataea oryzae_ (previously _Magnaporthe salvinii_ or _Sclerotium oryzae_) causes stem rot of rice. Rice blast is caused by _Pyricularia oryzae_. For more information on both diseases, see the initial ProMED-mail post http://promedmail.org/post/20160823.4434533
and links below.
Antagonistic fungi in the genus _Trichoderma_ have been shown to be effective as biocontrol organisms to suppress various fungal pathogens including soil-inhabiting species (for example, ProMED-mail posts http://promedmail.org/post/20160317.4102576,
http://promedmail.org/post/20151109.3779551 & http://promedmail.org/post/20130805.1864259). They are used as foliar applications as well as seed and soil treatments. _T. harzianum_ has been reported to be successful for suppression of various fungal pathogens including soil-inhabiting species of _Fusarium_, _Rhizoctonia_, _Sclerotium_, _Sclerotinia_ and _Botrytis_.
Provinces of Spain:
Rice stem rot symptoms:
<http://arkansasagnews.uark.edu/rice_stem_rot_color5.jpg> (sclerotia) and <http://agropedia.iitk.ac.in/sites/default/files/stem%20rot_0.jpg>
(incl. affected field)
_Trichoderma_ culture:
_Trichoderma_ hyphens, microscopy:
Information on stem rot disease of rice:
<http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/r682100211.html> and <http://www.lsuagcenter.com/NR/rdonlyres/02572546-146B-4727-80F5-7684B89E694C/75799/pub3172StemRotofRiceHIGHRES.pdf>
Information on _Trichoderma_ spp. and use for biocontrol:
All fungal taxonomy via:
- Mod.DHA
A HealthMap/ProMED-mail map can be accessed at:
[See Also:
Stem rot, rice - Spain: (VC)
Anthracnose & purple blotch, onion - Philippines: (IN)
Panama disease TR4, banana - Philippines, Australia
Multiple diseases, turmeric - India: (TN) alert
Blast disease, rice - Spain: (VC)
Bakanae disease, rice - India: (PB)
Alternaria blight, capsicum - India: (HP)
Anthracnose, passionfruit - Brazil: (SP)
Panama disease, banana - Philippines: (SAR)
and additional examples of trichoderma biocontrol in the archives]