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PestFax Reporter app helps protect Western Australia grain crops

Western Australia
May 25, 2016

DAFWA senior research officer Dr Art Diggle and technical officer Fumie Horiuchi check out the department’s free PestFax Reporter app, which is now available to download.

Graingrowers and agronomists can now report crop pests, diseases, weeds or other damage from the palm of their hands in the paddock with a new smart phone app.

The free PestFax Reporter app will contribute to the Department of Agriculture and Food’s popular PestFax Newsletter that documents crop threats during the growing season.

The app has been developed by the department as part of the PestFax Map project, jointly funded by the Grains Research and Development Corporation.

Department senior research officer Art Diggle urged growers and consultants to use the app to help build a comprehensive picture of cropping issues during the season.

Dr Diggle said this would help growers, industry and the department to react quickly, with appropriate information, to manage crop constraints.

“The PestFax Reporter app has been designed to quickly and easily report pests, diseases, weeds or other damage, like frost, by answering a set of straightforward questions,” he said.

“The app also provides the opportunity to effortlessly send a photograph of the cropping problem to aid identification or provide additional information.

“If the user doesn’t know what the pest, disease, weed or damage is or if they want to discuss the issue further they can request an email or telephone call from a department expert.”

All information provided will be incorporated into the department’s PestFax newsletter, which is issued to about 1000 subscribers weekly, during the growing season.

“The more the PestFax Reporter app is used, the better the information from which the department and consultants can develop timely and useful advice,” Dr Diggle said.

The app can be used in locations outside of mobile range, as the report is sent once the smart phone returns to an area with coverage or a connection to wifi.

Dr Diggle said the PestFax Reporter app would not only help improve the quality of information provided to the grains industry, it could also be crucial in the event of a biosecurity incident.

“Early identification, diagnosis and mapping are essential to a successful biosecurity response, which could be enhanced through the use of the PestFax Reporter app,” he said.

The PestFax Reporter app is available now on iTunes and Google Play by searching for ‘pestfax reporter’.

To subscribe to the PestFax newsletter email pestfax@agric.wa.gov.au or visit agric.wa.gov.au and search for ‘pestfax’.

More solutions from: Western Australia, Department of Primary Industries

Website: http://www.agric.wa.gov.au

Published: May 25, 2016

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