Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
January 15, 2015

With widespread Group 2 resistant weeds like kochia, chickweed and cleavers causing major problems for Prairie farmers, Rush M™ is a welcome alternative to other broadleaf herbicides. Rush M is a co-pack that contains the active ingredients fluroxypyr and MCPA Ester, and delivers control of tough broadleaf weeds.
Rush M can be used on spring wheat, durum wheat and barley.
“Rush M has a good fit across the Prairies, both in terms of its broadleaf weed control but also because it has good re-cropping flexibility for canola and pulse growers in all soil zones,” says Kyle Barnett, Adama Area Business Manager in Manitoba.
As a Group 4 herbicide, Rush M controls a wide spectrum of tough broadleaf weeds including chickweed, cleavers, kochia, hemp-nettle, volunteer flax and wild buckwheat. It is ideal for cleaning up herbicide-tolerant canola volunteers, and excels at controlling Group 2 resistant weeds.
Weeds controlled include:
- Volunteer canola
- Cleavers
- Cocklebur
- Common burdock
- Volunteer flax
- Flixweed
- Hemp-nettle
- Kochia
- Lamb’s-quarters
- Mustards (except dog and green tansy)
- Redroot pigweed
- Prickly lettuce
- Common ragweed
- Shepherd’s-purse
- Stinkweed
- Annual sunflower
- Vetch
- Wild radish
- Green smartweed (suppression)
- Stork’s-bill (suppression)
- Wild buckwheat (suppression)
In the last herbicide-resistant-weeds survey conducted by weed scientist Hugh Beckie with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, between 2007 and 2011, approximately 3.4 million acres of western Canadian cropland had Group 2 resistant broadleaf weeds.
All kochia populations across western Canada are now presumed to be Group 2 resistant. Group 2 spiny sow-thistle resistance was also confirmed in all Alberta fields sampled. Group 2 common chickweed was found in about 40 per cent of Alberta fields, and is increasing rapidly in many areas. Cleavers resistant to Group 2 herbicides is increasing in abundance fastest of all Group 2 resistant bio-types. Other weeds identified as resistant to Group 2 include false cleavers, Powell amaranth, wild mustard and wild buckwheat.
Rush M has excellent crop safety and can be applied from the three-leaf stage up to the full emergence of the flag leaf. Compared to herbicides with 2,4-D that can’t be applied until the four-leaf stage, growers can go in five days earlier with Rush M to take out weed competition early with greater application flexibility.
For one-shot weed control of grassy and broadleaf weeds, Rush M can be tank-mixed with Adama herbicides Bison® (tralkoxydim) and Bengal® (fenoxyprop-ethyl) in spring wheat and durum and barley, and Ladder® (clodinafop) in spring and durum wheat.
Wheat, barley, oat, forage grasses, flax, canola, mustard, lentil and pea may be grown the year after Rush M and there are no cropping restrictions the second year after application.