Don't let barley leaf rust erode profits
June 16, 2014

Barley leaf rust starts to develop near the base of the plant and spreads upwards.
Early detection of barley leaf rust is crucial for containing the damaging disease, which can infect barley crops at any time from tillering to maturity.
The discovery in Western Australia last year of a new pathotype of the barley leaf rust pathogen (Puccinia hordei) serves as a reminder to growers to remain vigilant this season and potentially adjust management plans for the disease.
The new pathotype is expected to reduce resistance to leaf rust in several varieties known to carry the Rph3 resistance gene in WA.
Barley infected with leaf rust can be identified by the presence of small, brown, circular pustules that produce orange-brown powdery spores.
Up-to-date information and links to resources about barley leaf rust can be found at the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) Hot Topic Barley leaf rust in Western Australia available at
More solutions from: GRDC (Grains Research & Development Corporation)
Website: Published: June 16, 2014 |