Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
May 22, 2014

The wet spring conditions experienced in parts of the Prairies can increase the risk of crop disease, particularly leaf diseases such as septoria leaf spot and tan spot.
BASF Canada Inc. advises growers to manage the risk with a preventative application of Twinline™ fungicide — particularly when timed at the flag leaf stage.
“If you planted into wet soil this spring, you should safeguard your cereal investment with a preventative fungicide application at flag leaf,” said Kristina Polziehn, Technical Development Specialist with BASF Canada. “Because up to 65 per cent of the total yield of the crop is established from the flag leaf, flag leaf timing is the best time to spray to maximize yield and protect your investment from leaf diseases.”
When sprayed at flag leaf timing, Twinline has been shown to have an average yield increase of over five bushels per acre over an untreated check. The added AgCelence® benefits in the pyraclostrobin active ingredient enhances crop quality which improves efficiency and stress tolerance of your crop to help ensure it reaches its maximum yield potential — even in stressful conditions.
To manage both leaf diseases and Fusarium Head Blight (FHB), BASF advises growers to utilize separate fungicide applications, one at flag leaf timing and one at FHB timing. Each fungicide has a particular timing designed to protect the crop from specific diseases. Twinline sprayed at flag leaf provides the highest level of foliar disease control and yield increases. Caramba® sprayed at FHB timing controls both late season leaf disease and improves quality and yield by suppressing FHB.
“These are two different fungicide timings. One is focused on foliar leaf disease control and the second on suppressing FHB and controlling late leaf disease infections,” said Polziehn. “Using fungicides in both spray windows will increase the effectiveness of the products and maximize your disease management strategy.”
Growers are encouraged to follow label directions to ensure cereal diseases are sprayed at the optimal time. For more information about optimal fungicide application timing, visit www.AgSolutions.ca.
Always read and follow label directions.
Twinline is a registered trademark of BASF Corporation, used with permission by BASF Canada Inc.