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Co-innovation seminar: Consult the presentations

November 5, 2013

Some 40 participants from 11 different countries attended a seminar dedicated to the theoretical aspects of co-innovation as ENDURE partners, in collaboration with MTT of Finland, work towards a European workshop on co-innovation being held in Brussels on November 27 and 28.

The seminar, held at Wageningen UR in The Netherlands in October, included contributions on innovative design, learning, transition and the changing roles of the professionals who work in practice on innovation. The presentations can be consulted below.

The Brussels workshop will bring together those working on crop protection in practice, and will provide inspiration on how to deal with the challenges of a more participatory approach. Sixteen case studies will be presented and offer participants a wide portfolio of methods, instruments and approaches that can be used in co-innovation.

Both events are contributing to the European Innovation Partnership on 'Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability' to advance the implementation of Integrated Pest Management in agriculture and horticulture in the European Union.


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Monday October 28 Speaker Download the presentation(s) (pdf)
Introduction - welcome  Frank Wijnands, Wageningen UR
Frank Wijnands opening [pdf - 1.29 MB]
Need for change - Why is change needed? To what demand does co-innovation respond? The view from the European Innovation Partnership: Inge van Oost, European Commission
Inge Van Oost [pdf - 1.17 MB]
De novo  design - Review of co-design and assessment approaches, futuring, creating a vision, reframing and reflecting Speaker: Jean-Marc Meynard, INRA
Jean-Marc Meynard [pdf - 1.81 MB]
Co-discussant: Bram Bos, Wageningen UR
Bram Bos [pdf - 5.72 MB]
Co-discussant: Marjolein Visser, U.L. Bruxelles Oral presentation
Transition - Scaling up, theory and making it happen - why is this important to a boundary worker? Speaker:  Fred Steward, U. Westminster
Fred Steward [pdf - 1.39 MB]
Co-discussant: Dmitri Domanski, TU Dortmund University
Dmitri Domanski [pdf - 177.42 kB]
Co-discussant: Anne-Charlotte Dockès, Institut de l'Elevage
Anne-Charlotte Dockès [pdf - 844.31 kB]
Tuesday October 29
Learning  - Social learning, expansive learning, knowledge, evaluation Speaker: Irene Vänninen, MTT
Irene Vänninen [pdf - 45.65 kB]
Co-discussant: Chris Blackmore, Open U. Oral presentation
Co-discussant: Arjen Wals, Wageningen UR
Arjen Wals [pdf - 3.87 MB]
How to do it  - Role, positioning, and skills of innovation managers and boundary network leaders, re-organising research and extension for co-innovation Speaker: Laurens Klerkx, Wageningen U.
Laurens Klerkx [pdf - 3.63 MB]
Co-discussant:  Marianne Cerf, INRA
Marianne Cerf [pdf - 1.08 MB]
How we do it  - How do we support boundary work in a general? What does it mean regarding your commitment? How do we establish a resource pool in support of co-innovation approaches? How do we organise ourselves for our next steps? Facilitator:  Walter Rossing, Wageningen UR
Walter Rossing [pdf - 1.07 MB]
Monday October 28 Speaker Download the presentation(s) (pdf)
Introduction - welcome  Frank Wijnands, Wageningen UR
Frank Wijnands opening [pdf - 1.29 MB]
Need for change - Why is change needed? To what demand does co-innovation respond? The view from the European Innovation Partnership: Inge van Oost, European Commission
Inge Van Oost [pdf - 1.17 MB]
De novo  design - Review of co-design and assessment approaches, futuring, creating a vision, reframing and reflecting Speaker: Jean-Marc Meynard, INRA
Jean-Marc Meynard [pdf - 1.81 MB]
Co-discussant: Bram Bos, Wageningen UR
Bram Bos [pdf - 5.72 MB]
Co-discussant: Marjolein Visser, U.L. Bruxelles Oral presentation
Transition - Scaling up, theory and making it happen - why is this important to a boundary worker? Speaker:  Fred Steward, U. Westminster
Fred Steward [pdf - 1.39 MB]
Co-discussant: Dmitri Domanski, TU Dortmund University
Dmitri Domanski [pdf - 177.42 kB]
Co-discussant: Anne-Charlotte Dockès, Institut de l'Elevage
Anne-Charlotte Dockès [pdf - 844.31 kB]
Tuesday October 29
Learning  - Social learning, expansive learning, knowledge, evaluation Speaker: Irene Vänninen, MTT
Irene Vänninen [pdf - 45.65 kB]
Co-discussant: Chris Blackmore, Open U. Oral presentation
Co-discussant: Arjen Wals, Wageningen UR
Arjen Wals [pdf - 3.87 MB]
How to do it  - Role, positioning, and skills of innovation managers and boundary network leaders, re-organising research and extension for co-innovation Speaker: Laurens Klerkx, Wageningen U.
Laurens Klerkx [pdf - 3.63 MB]
Co-discussant:  Marianne Cerf, INRA
Marianne Cerf [pdf - 1.08 MB]
How we do it  - How do we support boundary work in a general? What does it mean regarding your commitment? How do we establish a resource pool in support of co-innovation approaches? How do we organise ourselves for our next steps? Facilitator:  Walter Rossing, Wageningen UR
Walter Rossing [pdf - 1.07 MB]

More solutions from: ENDURE - EU Network for the Durable Exploitation of Crop Protection Strategies

Website: http://www.endure-network.eu

Published: November 5, 2013

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