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Make the most of data this fall with precision ag tools - Analyzing harvest data with Pioneer Field360 Select software will help prepare for next season’s decisions

Des Moines, Iowa, USA
September 3, 2013

Understanding what worked this past growing season and what didn’t is vital in planning for next year. To help turn data into management decisions for the next season, DuPont Pioneer experts are available to help growers analyze their harvest data with Pioneer® Field360™ services.

"Because our software is compatible with most manufacturers’ equipment, growers can have their harvest data analyzed by our sales professionals,” says Justin Heath, DuPont Pioneer new services manager. “The analyses will help growers turn data into information they can use for next season’s management decisions.”

After taking the data card to a Pioneer sales professional, growers will receive yield summaries and harvest maps in a quick and timely manner via Pioneer Field360 Select software. Because this program provides field-level information anytime, anywhere through a web browser, growers are able to refer back to the summaries throughout the next season when making vital decisions.

By using as-planted maps and harvest data, sales professionals are able to provide growers with hybrid comparisons and performance data field-by-field and soil type-by-soil type to help growers understand what products succeeded and what didn’t.

“With this information, growers are also able to see how soil types, fungicide application timing, hybrid selection and many more items impacted their overall crop performance,” Heath explains. “It allows them to determine a field’s ideal combination for the following year.”

A single season’s field summary is good, but multiple seasons of data are better. Subscribing to Pioneer Field360 Select software in subsequent years allows sales professionals to combine historical data and perform multiyear analysis. These analyses provide even more information to help growers and sales professionals make the best management decisions, such as hybrid and variety selections and positioning, as well as seeding rate decisions on a field-by-field basis.

"Understanding information at the field level and soil type level is becoming critical in ag today," Heath reports. “By utilizing agricultural analysis tools like Pioneer® Field360™ services, growers are able to have their sales professional review and summarize their information for them. They are also able to view their information anytime, anywhere."

With so much data at growers’ fingertips, Pioneer sales professionals can help them maximize it so they can use it to make important management decisions for the next growing season.

To learn more about Pioneer Field360 services, visit pioneer.com/360 or contact a local Pioneer sales professional.


More solutions from: DuPont Pioneer

Website: http://www.pioneer.com

Published: September 3, 2013










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