Defend cereal crops against yield-robbing diseases - Syngenta solutions for healthy roots

Researchers around the globe are continuing to uncover evidence that points to roots as the key to increasing future crop productivity. Strong, healthy root systems help developing plants better utilize available nutrients and moisture, as well as produce stronger plants that are better able to withstand environmental stress.
Another key benefit of healthy root systems is the ability to better protect the developing crop from soilborne pathogens. Rhizoctonia, Pythium and Fusarium are becoming more widespread in cereal crops across the United States and have the potential to cause devastating yield loss. Fortunately, Syngenta holds a long-standing commitment to help cereal growers achieve healthy roots, stronger plants and top yields through unmatched service and a top-performing portfolio of seed treatment products.
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More solutions from: . Syngenta Crop Protection AG . Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc. (USA)
Website: Published: August 16, 2013 |