St. Paul, Minneapolis, USA
September 19, 2012
Hybrid corn is an economically important crop, and it is susceptible to several
foliar fungal diseases, including northern leaf blight (NCLB).
Growers and consultants can improve their knowledge and understanding of NCLB
through the latest Focus on Corn presentation, authored by Sally Mallowa, graduate
student and corn disease expert at Iowa State University. Mallowa's talk covers:
- The conditions favorable for disease development
- The disease cycle
- Available management options
- Spray Timing
This talk is one of several presentations discussing foliar diseases of corn
and fungicide recommendations for their management.
The research in this presentation was funded through a USDA-NIFA grant on corn
diseases. Through links and attachments embedded in the webcast player, this
presentation leads viewers to other important resources funded through this grant,
- A two-page brochure titled “Foliar Fungicides for Corn: Targeting Disease”
- A 26-page booklet titled “Corn Foliar Diseases: Identification and Management
- Field Guide”
- Online crop management newsletters from the University of Illinois, Iowa State University, the University of Wisconsin, and The Ohio State University
- Various university-based crop management blogs
This presentation is open access through December 31, 2012, and can be viewed
Other Focus on Corn presentations can be viewed at