July 10, 2012
Silver Scurf has become an increasingly important potato disease since its discovery in the early 1900s. The disease causes wide spread losses in fresh marketed potatoes throughout North America, and it can be particularly damaging on smooth skin potatoes and/or potatoes stored for long periods.
The latest Focus on Potato presentation by Dr. Philip Hamm, Professor of Plant Pathology at Oregon State University, helps growers, consultants, and other practitioners in the U.S. and Canada identify and manage the fungus that causes silver scurf on potatoes.
In this talk, management options are discussed, starting at the planting phase, then harvest, and finally storage
This 38-minute presentation is open access through October 31, 2012.
View this presentation at
View other presentations in the Focus on Potato resource at
Focus on Potato is a publication of the Plant Management Network (,
a nonprofit online publisher whose mission is to enhance the health, management, and production of agricultural and horticultural crops. It achieves this mission through its applied, science-based resources, like Focus on Potato.
The Plant Management Network (PMN) is jointly managed by the American Society of Agronomy, American Phytopathological Society, and Crop Science Society of America. PMN is also a partner of more than 80 other organizations, which include universities, nonprofits, and agribusinesses.