Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
June 27, 2012
- EPA approves Vibrance for use on cereals, soybeans and canola in U.S.
- New seed treatment fungicide active ingredient sedaxane delivers enhanced disease protection, including best-in-class Rhizoctonia activity
- Revolutionary chemistry unlocks power of root health
Syngenta announced federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registration of Vibrance™ seed treatment fungicide, the company’s first fungicide developed specifically as a seed treatment. Featuring a new mode of action for the seed treatment market, Vibrance is now registered for use on cereals, soybeans and canola with additional crop registrations anticipated during the next several years. State registrations may still be pending. Please check with your state regulatory agency to determine registration status.
“Vibrance is a great addition to our Seedcare portfolio and will enhance our industry-leading line of fungicide seed treatment products,” said Chad Shelton, Seedcare brand asset lead, Syngenta.
Through this new mode of action from the SDHI class of fungicides, sedaxane, the active ingredient in Vibrance, creates an unmatched level of disease protection that results in stronger, more powerful roots. This Rooting Power™ helps produce more even emergence, improve nutrient and moisture uptake, and develop stronger plants. As a result, crops are better able to withstand the stresses of the growing season to deliver more consistent yield performance.
“Syngenta scientists and researchers around the globe have been analyzing interactions between roots, diseases, moisture efficiency and nutrient utilization,” explained Palle Pedersen, Ph.D., Seedcare technology manager, Syngenta. “We are learning that a simple act like effectively protecting crop roots from disease with a quality seed treatment fungicide like Vibrance can have an enormous impact on the overall health of the plant.”
Vibrance contributes to a healthier crop by starting at the roots. It provides best-in-class protection against devastating soilborne diseases like Rhizoctonia root rot, which can wreak havoc on crops if it’s able to take over a field. In addition to damaging roots, this fungal pathogenattacks young seedlings, impairing their ability to absorb water and nutrients, which reduces emergence and stunts growth.
“Rhizoctonia infects the entire root system,” explained Tim Paulitz,Ph.D.,research plant pathologist with the USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Washington State University. “The pathogen hides out in dead roots. It forms a thick-walled mycelium, so it sits in the soil, surviving and waiting. When the pathogen senses the root growing, and the soil’s moisture level and temperature have become favorable, the mycelium or hyphae will contact the root, and then penetrate it. Once the pathogen infects, it kills the root tissue, the root tips, the root cortex – the pathogen invades the entire root system.”
Vibrance delivers enhanced disease protection against Rhizoctonia root rot and other yield-robbing diseases like true loose smut in barley to protect roots and help ensure consistent yield performance. The active ingredient sedaxane complements other market-leading Syngenta seed treatments in cereals, soybeans and canola, and is applied at a low use rate.
Boost to cereals Rooting Power
Based on regional pest issues and other geography-related concerns, Vibrance will be marketed in cereal crops as follows:
- CruiserMaxx® Vibrance Cereals seed treatment insecticide/fungicide will be available for application on-farm, on-site or through certified commercial treaters. This will replace the current CruiserMaxx Cereals seed treatment insecticide/fungicide formulation.
- Vibrance Extreme™ seed treatment fungicide will replace the current Dividend Extreme® seed treatment fungicide formulation and will be available for application by certified treaters across the United States.
- Vibrance will only be available in the Pacific Northwest through application by certified treaters.
Unique advantage for soybean seed treatment
In 2013, CruiserMaxx Beans insecticide/fungicide, an on-seed application of one or more separately registered products, and Vibrance fungicide seed treatment will be available to elevate the level of disease protection in soybeans. It will provide added seed protection against seed decay, seedling blight and damping-off caused by Rhizoctonia solani.
“CruiserMaxx Beans applied with Vibrance will offer Midwestern soybean growers a unique advantage through its ability to ensure optimal root health thanks to ideal soil mobility, long-lasting performance and superior disease protection,” said David Winston, Seedcare brand asset lead, Syngenta.
“Rhizoctonia will reduce the root surface area, and there is less nodulation as a result,” explained Mark Westgate, Ph.D., Iowa State University Department of Agronomy.“Additionally, this pathogen can cause decreased tolerance to drought stress, and ultimately reduce yields, making protection vital to the success of the crop.”
By continuing to invest in new technologies that improve disease protection and enhance Rooting Power, Syngenta is helping growers achieve improved crop performance and maximum yield potential.
“By combining our worldwide expertise with the capabilities of the Syngenta Seedcare Institute, Syngenta is poised to provide growers with new technologies like Vibrance that will extend the spectrum of disease control while maximizing the performance of the roots,” Pedersen said. “Our efforts to enhance disease control are producing more roots and stronger root systems that ensure better uptake and use of soil resources plus improved stress tolerance, particularly in challenging climates. As a result, growers will achieve greater yield stability across their fields.”
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