I. Communications
ENDURE has gained five years' experience of engaging with a diversified audience including scientists, policy and farm advisers, trainers and other stakeholders. We encourage research projects to use these communication tools as vehicles to assist with the dissemination of their own results and recommendations.
Website: A team of five professional communications officers maintain www.endure-network.eu, a high-visibility public website hosting a wealth of documents and tools. It enjoys an average of 2,200 visits per month.
Newsletter: We regularly produce an electronic newsletter circulated to 2,200 recipients worldwide. To date, we have circulated 13 issues.
Targeting advisers: ENDURE has a special commitment to provide support to farm advisers. It was therefore important for ENDURE to create and maintain the ENDURE Network of Advisers (ENA) and an associated newsletter. The ENA is a forum to share knowledge and experiences on plant protection across Europe. It currently has a membership of 171 English-speaking farm advisers from about 20 countries. Three newsletters have been circulated.
Information Centre: The ENDURE Information Centre is an interactive website containing validated documents to support advisors in crop protection. The documents provided fall in two categories:
- Ready-to-use, scientifically sound, field-tested, practical to adopt and cost-effective information on IPM.
- Experimental work that has the potential to provide practical solutions in the future.
More than 1,000 documents are currently available but ENDURE wishes to substantially expand the scope of this database and its geographical coverage.
If the information is relevant, we encourage research projects to use these communications resources as a vehicle to reach a greater audience and enhance their dissemination impact.
Download complete article: ENDURE a resource for IPM projects [pdf - 257.92 kB]