August 25, 2011
Focus on Corn, a nonprofit publication of the Plant Management Network, announces the launch of “Corn Rootworm and Bt Corn,” a two-part presentation by Mike Gray, Professor and Extension Specialist in Entomology, and Joe Spencer (photo), Insect Behavioralist, at the University of Illinois.
The first presentation begins with a short review of western corn rootworm (WCR) biology and history. The use of Bt-transgenic corn for rootworm management is
also introduced, along with assumptions about WCR behavior in refuge and Bt corn. In addition, data on WCR behavior and mating in several different configurations
of refuge and Bt- corn are presented to illustrate how the placement of refuge affects the biology and ecology of mating WCR beetles.
The second presentation offers producer survey results that suggest refuge compliance
has been declining in recent years. The current and future implications of declining
refuge compliance are discussed. And by the end of the presentation, the practitioner
should have a better understanding of current Bt usage, refuge compliance levels,
seed mixtures and their use in resistance management plans, and an overall improved
knowledge of corn rootworm behavior and biology.
View these presentations at
The webcasts are open access through October 31, 2011.
Other presentations are available on the Focus on Corn website at
Focus on Corn is a publication of the Plant Management Network, a nonprofit online publisher whose mission is to enhance the health, management, and production of agricultural and horticultural crops. It achieves this mission through its applied, science-based resources. PMN is jointly managed by the American Society of Agronomy, American Phytopathological Society, and Crop Science Society of America.