New to the University of Minnesota website - more content on turfgrass seed production
Minnesota, USA
February 10, 2021
Did you know that the University of Minnesota conducts research on turfgrass seed production in northern Minnesota? If you are interested in learning more, our website now has information on Seed Production Research at Magnusson Research Farm. We have annual progress reports, which contain results of turfgrass seed production research such as variety trials, winter hardiness trials and other research involving fertility and herbicides. The reports include all research conducted at Magnusson Research Farm so in addition to turfgrass seed production, there are research trial results on forage legumes, grain legumes and small grains. If you have questions about this project, please contact Dr. Nancy Jo Ehlke.
We also now have Minnesota Turf Seed Council Newsletters going back to 2010. This newsletter is sent to producers and interested stakeholders in northern MN from greenup through swathing. The focus of the newsletter is to inform seed producers of weather conditions, crop growth and development, pest management, and the year-to-date growing degree days for perennial ryegrass.
For even more on this topic, don’t forget to read our blog posts on turfgrass seed production:
More solutions from: University of Minnesota
Website: Published: February 11, 2021 |