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December 16, 2015

Crop conundrum - The EU should decide definitively whether gene-edited plants are covered by GM laws (Nature)

Europe’s genetically edited plants stuck in legal limbo - Scientists frustrated at delay in deciding if GM regulations apply to precision gene editing (Nature)

September 3, 2015

Rejection of GM crops is not a failure for science (Nature)

August 14, 2015

The emergence of agbiogenerics - Although the first major agbiotech product patent has expired, regulatory requirements could continue to allot a significant degree of control to the original right holder (Nature Biotechnology)

May 29, 2015

Sonderveröffentlichung in "Nature" würdigt weltweite Bedeutung von Bienen als Bestäuber

April 9, 2015

Seeds of change - The European Union faces a fresh battle over next-generation plant-breeding techniques (Nature)

March 5, 2015

China’s scientists must engage the public on GM (Nature)

December 12, 2014

Room for growth - The European Commission’s plans to allow individual countries a veto on the farming of genetically modified crops, although a compromise, should enable the technology to move forward (Nature)

December 8, 2014

Compromise blooms in European GM crop debate - Agreement to permit country-level bans of genetically modified plants should ease deadlocks in EU approval process (Nature)

October 31, 2014

Africa's newfound taste for an old grain has experienced problems — drought, low yields and costly imports. But new projects are driving the continent towards self-sufficiency (Nature)

July 3, 2014

GM maize splits Mexico - Legal challenge to transgenic crops has created a rift in the country’s scientific community (Nature)

May 2, 2014

Agriculture: Engage farmers in research (Nature)

March 27, 2014

Wheat lag - Growth in yields of the cereal must double if the Green Revolution is to be put back on track (Nature)

October 18, 2013

Plant breeding: Discovery in a dry spell (Nature)

July 29, 2013

Collaborative study analyzes genetic diversity of major crops' wild relatives

Weeds warrant urgent conservation - Report finds that more than half of the wild relatives of 29 globally important crops are not adequately conserved in seed banks (Nature)

July 5, 2013

Mine seed banks to feed tomorrow’s world

May 7, 2013

Plant biology advances rapidly to help feed the world

May 2, 2013

Plant biotechnology: Tarnished promise - Genetically modified crops generate hype and hatred. A special section of Nature cuts through the drama (Nature)

February 23, 2013

Seed-patent case in U.S. Supreme Court - Loss of patent control could rekindle ‘terminator’ technology (Nature)

January 25, 2013

Uso de culturas transgénicas provoca aumento de biodiversidade

January 22, 2013

USDA studies confirm plant water demands shift with water availability
Estudios por el USDA confirman la capacidad de plantas de ajustar su demanda de agua con relación a la disponibilidad del agua

June 20, 2012

Biotech report says IP spurs innovation (Nature)

June 13, 2012

Widespread adoption of Bt cotton and insecticide decrease promotes biocontrol services (Nature)

September 13, 2011

US plant scientists seek united front - Academia and industry join forces to carve out ten-year plan (Nature)

July 29, 2011

Strategies to "freeze the foodprint of food"

July 15, 2011

Global food security and the governance of modern biotechnologies (Nature)

July 29, 2010

Can science feed the world? (Nature)

July 28, 2010

How to feed a hungry world (Nature)



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