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Earlham Institute

November 26, 2015

Discovering the decoding of living systems

November 12, 2015

The Genome Analysis Centre announces an important milestone in wheat research 

October 28, 2015

United Kingdom - Edico Genome's DRAGEN hot processor speeds up genome analysis at The Genome Analysis Centre

October 20, 2015

Feeding the world: the importance of crop genomics

October 15, 2015

Mini DNA sequencer tests true - The performance of the MinION miniature DNA sequencing device has been evaluated by an open, international consortium, and the resulting recommendations and protocols published before peer-review on the F1000Research platform

September 7, 2015

Changing the biological data visualisation world - Scientists at TGAC, alongside European partners, have created a cutting-edge, open source community for the life sciences - BioJavaScript (BioJS) is a free, accessible software library that develops visualisation tools for different types of biological data

July 23, 2015

Faster, better, cheaper: a new method to generate extended data for genome assemblies

July 16, 2015

New study reveals improved way to interpret high-throughput biological data

July 9, 2015

Translating the genome: The next generation

June 26, 2015

Single-cell technologies advance the value of genomics (BusinessWeekly)

June 10, 2015

Scientists close gap on yellow rust, a devastating cereal killer 

March 19, 2015

TGAC’s take on the first portable DNA sequencing ‘laboratory’

March 12, 2015

Novel online bioinformatics tool significantly reduces time of multiple genome analysis - UK research collaboration develops a new bioinformatics pipeline that enables automated primer design for multiple genome species, significantly reducing turnaround time

March 2, 2015

New genomics-driven surveillance to track crop diseases and tackle emerging and re-emerging crop pathogens that threaten global food security

February 23, 2015

transPLANT: Supporting common practises and shared tools in plant research 

February 17, 2015

iPlant's Big data bridges the Atlantic

February 16, 2015

TGAC and scientific partners awarded £6m to tackle big data challenges in bioscience

February 11, 2015

New software helps researchers solve genomic ‘jigsaw puzzle’ - Scientists from The Genome Analysis Centre (TGAC) present a configurable workflow management system for the complex task of de novo genome assembly

January 8, 2015

Searching for similarity with Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) 

November 27, 2014

The Genome Analysis Centre and the John Innes Centre identify new genetic markers to combat yellow rust disease in wheat 

September 17, 2014

Leading the way in bioinformatics training on a global scale

TGAC’s new training suite opens its doors to open-access science

July 14, 2014

The Genome Analysis Centre (TGAC) becomes a centre of excellence in UK for ground-breaking whole genome mapping technology

June 23, 2014

The Genome Analysis Centre at the forefront of next generation sequencing capability

April 15, 2014

TGAC’s quick guide to Genomics and Bioinformatics Training for new audiences

The Genome Analysis Centre (TGAC) takes part in the MinION Access Programme (MAP) for portable DNA sequencing

March 21, 2014

Building solutions for bioinformatics from the ground up

February 13, 2014

BioJS collection of open-access visualisation tools released - A new collection of visualisation tools for representing biological information is now available thanks to TGAC, EMBL-EBI and F1000Research

January 7, 2014

TGAC scientists release NextClip: a bioinformatics tool for complex post-sequence data analysis

November 28, 2013

TGAC helps develop European-Latin American scientific community for DNA analysis

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