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July 16, 2024

Day or night, corn is working hard to build yield - AgriGold agronomists explore what happens in the corn field 24 hours a day

June 24, 2024

Support corn tassel development for optimal yields - AgriGold agronomist offers tips to mitigate stress during this key phase

June 7, 2024

Get the most out of late-planted corn and soybean crops - A simple but powerful tool for gauging corn crop prospects

May 20, 2024

Unleash the power of the shovel when evaluating crops - A simple but powerful tool for gauging corn crop prospects

May 10, 2024

Set your crop up for success during its rapid growth phase - A good fertility program can help crops thrive, even when weather is challenging

April 9, 2024

Days 1-28 are critical for building corn yield - AgriGold agronomist offers advice for nailing the start of the growing season

April 2, 2024

Details matter when pushing to new yield levels - Find out what it takes to build a 250- or 300-bushel-an-acre corn crop

March 18, 2024

Strategies for success: Planting soybeans early - Get tips to unlock the full potential for planting soybeans early

September 27, 2023

Tar spot is lurking. Are you protected? Choose tolerant hybrids, monitor the environment and have a plan if lesions appear 

May 4, 2023

Slow-emerging crops may be vulnerable to pest pressure - Farmers planting into cool, wet soils should prioritize seed with strong emergence  

April 11, 2023

If your corn stands aren’t uniform, you’re likely leaving yield on the table - 
Uneven emergence sacrifices kernel counts and weights, warns AgriGold agronomist 

February 21, 2023

AgriGold: Study shows the early planting yield advantage is real

January 30, 2023

From seed selection to equipment prep, farmers stay busy during the off-season - AgriGold agronomists can be a resource as farmers ready for spring 

October 10, 2022

Limit the impact of ear rot and mold - AgriGold agronomists say scouting for mold can save farmers a lot of trouble down the road 

September 12, 2022

Key ingredients for producing a big soybean crop - AgriGold agronomist says 2022 prices are motivating more farmers to actively manage soybeans 


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