Hybrid: The History and Science of Plant Breeding
Noel Kingsbury
September 2009

Tomorrow's Table
Pamela C Ronald and Raoul W. Adamchak
Organic farming, genetics and the future of food
December 2008
Millions Fed: Proven Successes in Agricultural Development
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) - November 2009
This book examines how policies, programs, and investments in pro-poor agricultural development have helped to substantially reduce hunger across Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The 20 success stories presented here provide both lessons and inspiration for continued efforts to eradicate hunger and malnutrition among the one billion people still facing this scourge.
Full text of book: Download (PDF 17.7MB)
Agricultural Biotechnology in China - Origins and Prospects
Karplus, Valerie J., Deng, Xing Wang
2008, XXIV, 166 p. 59 illus., 25 in color., Hardcover
ISBN: 978-0-387-71138-6
A comprehensive examination of how the origins of biotechnology research agendas, along with the effectiveness of the seed delivery system and biosafety oversight, help to explain current patterns of crop development and adoption in China.
Regulating Agricultural Biotechnology
Economics and Policy
Series: Natural Resource Management and Policy , Vol. 30
Just, Richard E.; Alston, Julian M.; Zilberman, David (Eds.)
2006, VIII, 732 p. 47 illus., Hardcover
ISBN: 978-0-387-36952-5
The Political Economy of Genetically Modified Foods
Edited by Robert E. Evenson, Professor of Economics, Yale University, US and Terri Raney, Senior Economist and Editor, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Edward Elgar Publishing 2007
Communicating Crop Biotechnology: Stories from Stakeholders
International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA)
Highlights well-documented stories from different stakeholders on the benefits of crop biotechnology and the ways by which the ISAAA’s global knowledge sharing network responded to their need for accurate, and science-based information on crop biotechnology.
Compendium of Transgenic Crop Plants
10 Volume Set
Chittaranjan Kole (Editor), Timothy C. Hall (Editor)
ISBN: 978-1-4051-6924-0
Hardcover, 2776 pages
February 2009, Wiley-Blackwell
Environmental Impact of Genetically Modified Crops
Edited by N. Ferry, University of Newcastle and A. Gatehouse, University of Newcastle
CABI Publishing
Agricultural Biomarkers for Array Technology
Jürg E. Frey, Frédérique Pasquer
(Hardback) 2008
ISBN 978-3-033-01770-2
The main objective of the COST Action 853 was to establish and support microarray technology as a new tool for breeding, diagnosis, and high throughput screening in the field of agriculture. Overall, the Action was highly succesful and the established knowledge will be an important cornerstone for continuing efforts in the field of microarray diagnostics for many years to come.
This book contains articles from many different authors.
Convivint amb transgènics
David Bueno
Universidad de Barcelona 2008
Què són els transgènics? Com es generen? En els darrers anys estem vivint una autèntica revolució mediàtica pel que fa a l’enginyeria genètica: seqüenciacions de genomes, teràpies gèniques, plantes transgèniques… Notícies que no tan sols interessen pel seu vessant tècnic, sinó també pel seu vessant social. Són moltes les opinions que susciten aquestes noves eines. Per poder seguir i entrar en aquest debat, res millor que estar-ne ben informat. Aquest llibre ofereix una descripció clara sobre què són els transgèncics i com es generen. En ell trobareu informació contrastada sobre la manipulació genètica de microorga-nismes, animals i plantes, incloent-hi la terapia gènica en humans. En el darrer capítol, a més, l’autor esposa els principals problemes ètics que se’ls atribueixen, mostrant, a més, la cobertura legislativa que regeix sobre ells.
Beyond Biotechnology: The Barren Promise of Genetic Engineering
Craig Holdrege & & Steve Talbott
University Press of Kentucky: 2008
272 pp. ISBN:978-0-8131-2484-1
Seed Wars: Controversies and Cases on Plant Genetic Resources and Intellectual Property
Dr. Keith Aoki, Professor of Law, University of California, Davis
Carolina Academic Press 2008 - ISBN: 978-1-59460-050-0
Seed Wars is a comprehensive overview of the current domestic and international legal controversies regarding intellectual property protections for plant genetic resources (PGRs) over the past three decades.
Plant Genotyping II: SNP Technology
R J Henry, Southern Cross University, Australia
CABI May 2008 c. 272 pages
Hardcover ISBN-13: 9781845933821
Since the publication of Plant Genotyping: the DNA Fingerprinting of Plants in 2001, the techniques available for plant DNA analysis have advanced considerably. Recent developments focus on high throughput methods, and generally target single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) discovery and analysis. SNPs represent the most common form of genetic variation in both plants and animals, and play a key role in revealing the molecular mechanisms underlying traits.
Plant Genotyping II: SNP Technology describes some of the import recent developments in this field, with the main focus on SNPs. Contributions cover the discovery, analysis and uses of SNPs, while also examining other approaches to plant genotyping.
Audience: This book will be essential reading for researchers in plant genetics, molecular biology, breeding and biotechnology.
The Unfolding Gene Revolution: Ideology, Science, and Regulation of Plant Biotechnology
Dr. Eufemio T. Rasco, Jr.
Unravels the development of plant biotechnology, specifically genetic engineering. Comprehensively reviews the basic sciences relevant to biotechnology and the art and science of genetic engineering in a simple, non-technical and humorous way. To highlight important scientific discoveries, as they relate to the present understanding of the science. Important details of some scientific facts are presented in boxes which add significance and realism to his discussion.
Published by: ISAAA and SEARCA
ISBN: 978-97193983-0-1
Two volumes on Genomics-Assisted Crop Improvement edited by Rajeev Varshney of the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) in Patancheru, India, and Roberto Tuberosa, University of Bologna, Italy have just been published.
Volume 1, entitled "Genomics Approaches and Platforms", presents state-of-the-art genomic resources and platforms and also describes the strategies and approaches for effectively exploiting genomics research for crop improvement (http://www.springer.com/east/home?SGWID=5-102-22-173739833-0).
Volume 2, entitled "Genomics Applications in Crops", presents a number of case studies of important crop and plant species that summarize both the achievements and limitations of genomics research for crop improvement (http://www.springer.com/dal/home?SGWID=1-102-22-173739832-0)
The Public, the Media and Agricultural Biotechnology
Dominique Brossard, editor
CABI 2007
Marker-assisted selection: Current status and future perspectives in crops, livestock, forestry and fish
Edited by E.P. Guimarães, J. Ruane, B.D. Scherf, A. Sonnino and J.D. Dargie
Agricultural Biotechnology and Intellectual Property Protection: Seeds of Change
Edited by J Kesan, University of Illinois, USA
Pub Date: June 2007
ISBN: 9781845932015
416 pages
Scientists are becoming progressively more involved in developing methods for increasing agricultural productivity and designing plants with certain qualities. As such, genetic engineering has given plant breeders a means to exercise property rights over different varieties of plants. This has created many implications and given way to much controversy, with most objections being raised against the idea of owning life. With the use of comparative studies, this book discusses the legal, agribusiness and public policy issues that connect intellectual property protection with advancements in agricultural biotechnology.
Results from the FAO Biotechnology Forum: Background and dialogue on selected issues
by J. Ruane and A. Sonnino
FAO Research and Technology Paper 11
The 152-page book presents the background and summary documents from a series of six moderated e-mail conferences hosted by the FAO Biotechnology Forum from 2002 to 2005, relating to agricultural biotechnology for the crop, forestry, animal, fisheries and agro-industry sectors in developing countries. Three of the six conferences focused on genetically modified organisms (GMOs), dealing with gene flow from GM to non-GM populations; regulation of GMOs; and participation of the rural people in decision-making regarding GMOs. Two conferences covered the entire range of biotechnology tools (including GMOs), dealing with the role and focus of biotechnology in the agricultural research agenda and, secondly, applications of biotechnology in food processing. The remaining conference dealt with molecular marker-assisted selection. Contact biotech-admin@fao.org for more information.
Seed Development, Dormancy and Germination
Edited by Professor Kent Bradford, Director, Seed Biotechnology Center, University of California, Davis, USA, and Dr Hiroyuki Nonogaki, Department of Horticulture, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, USA
The book provides a comprehensive overview of seed biology from the point of view of the developmental and regulatory processes that are involved in the transition from a developing seed through dormancy and into germination and seedling growth. It examines the complexity of the environmental, physiological, molecular and genetic interactions that occur through the life cycle of seeds, along with the concepts and approaches used to analyze seed dormancy and germination behavior. It also identifies the current challenges and remaining questions for future research. The book is directed at plant developmental biologists, geneticists, plant breeders, seed biologists and graduate students.
Read the excerpts
The Encyclopedia of Seeds: Science, Technology and Uses
Edited by M Black, Kings College London, UK; J D Bewley, University of Guelph, Canada; P Halmer, Germain's Technology Group, Kings Lynn, UK
October 2006
c.900 pages
HB 9780851997230, £185.00 / $350.00
This is the first scholarly reference work to cover all the major scientific themes and facets of the subject of seeds. It outlines the latest fundamental biological knowledge about seeds, together with the principles of agricultural seed processing, storage and sowing, the food and industrial uses of seeds, and the roles of seeds in history, economies and cultures.
With contributions from 110 expert authors worldwide, the editors have created 560 authoritative articles, illustrated with plentiful tables, figures, black-and-white and colour photographs, suggested further reading matter and 670 supplementary definitions. The contents are alphabetically arranged and cross-referenced to connect related entries.
The International Politics of GM Food: Diplomacy, Trade and Law
Robert Falkner (ed)
Palgrave Macmillan
Genetically modified food is at the heart of a new global conflict over how to govern risky technologies in an era of globalisation. A transatlantic trade dispute and North-South tensions have complicated the task of creating a global regime for genetic engineering in agriculture. This timely, comprehensive and provocative collection brings together experts from the fields of international relations, environmental studies, trade and international law to examine the international relations, environmental issues, trade and international law to examine the sources of international friction and to explore the prospects for international cooperation.
Plantes transgéniques : faits et enjeux
André Gallais, Agnès Ricroch
Collection Synthèses
En dix ans, les plantes transgéniques ont atteint plus de 90 millions d’hectares dans le monde. En revanche, leur développement est bloqué en France et en Europe. Sujet de société, elles sont au cœur de débats polémiques et l’objet de prises de positions politiques. Le but de cet ouvrage est de rassembler dans un même document les informations pour mieux comprendre les objets du débat. Qu’est-ce que la transgénèse, qu’apporte-t-elle ou que peut-elle apporter ? Quels sont les risques éventuels pour l’environnement et la santé ? Comment sont-ils gérés ou peuvent-ils être gérés ? Quelles sont les raisons de l’opposition au développement des plantes transgéniques ? Cet ouvrage s’adresse à un public assez large s’intéressant aux questions posées par le développement des plantes transgéniques.
Editeur Editions Quae | ISBN-10 2759200019 | ISBN-13 9782759200016
The Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of Flowering, 2nd edition
Edited by B R Jordan, Lincoln University, New Zealand
Containing contributions from experts from the USA, Europe and New Zealand, this book provides an overview of the molecular mechanisms associated with flowering.
May 2006 416 pages HB 1845930428 £75.00/$140.00