Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
June 7, 2018
FMC has received confirmation from the EPA that Anthem® MAXX herbicide has been cleared for inclusion with XtendiMax® with VaporGrip® Technology and Engenia® herbicides. FMC herbicide tank-mix options now include the following herbicide products: Anthem MAXX, Authority® First DF, Authority® Elite, Authority® XL, Authority® MAXX, Authority® MTZ DF and Authority® Assist.
“Having Anthem MAXX herbicide in the tank with dicamba gives growers the opportunity to extend their weed control with longer residual performance than many other Group 15 herbicide tank-mix partners. Anthem MAXX herbicide has a wide application window, from preplant burndown up through V3 stage soybeans,” said Gail Stratman, regional technical service manager for FMC. “A comprehensive, overlapping residual program that includes FMC Authority brand herbicides preemergence followed by Anthem MAXX herbicide postemergence provides strong control of key broadleaf and grass weeds to protect yield potential throughout the season.”
Anthem MAXX herbicide is labeled for use in soybeans and corn, and has excellent rotation flexibility to many other crops.
Tank mixing Anthem MAXX herbicide with dicamba-based products provides growers with a very effective tool to manage difficult weeds and help protect dicamba technologies from resistance selection by reducing the need for multiple in-season applications to control later flushes of emerging weeds. “When used with dicamba, Anthem MAXX herbicide helps maintain the effectiveness of the dicamba molecule by reducing selection pressure on dicamba. Most weed scientists are recommending that growers never use dicamba by itself as a sole weed management program, so as not to subject that weed population to a single mode of action,” Stratman said.
Going forward, FMC will continue to work with manufacturers of these new dicamba technologies to make more products available to help growers fight the persistent challenges of weed management in soybeans.
All of the recently cleared FMC herbicide tank mixes have been tested according to EPA’s approved protocols, and the results are certified in accordance with the terms and conditions of registration for XtendiMax® and Engenia® herbicides.
FMC herbicides cleared for tank mixing with XtendiMax and Engenia herbicides may be used only after they are listed on the following websites, which will happen within 90 days of EPA clearance:
(, EPA requires that tank-mix partners with dicamba be