February 5, 2025
Western Grains Research Foundation commits $3.32 million to 22 new research projects
Japan - Forage market update
SeedQay's Zach Wortiska named Northeast Vegetable Seed Region Sales Manager
Pautas de manejo de raigrás en el norte y noreste bonaerense
Embrapa Hortaliças apresenta diversas cultivares no Show Rural Coopavel
Novas variedades de soja aliam tolerância a herbicidas e resistência às principais pragas da cultura
Tanzania - How Ivuna women farmers are transforming their lives through seed production
Detect and protect: Implementing a cannabis plant testing program
Overview of the market of industrial hemp in the Netherlands and its potential as bio-based material
Iceland has a unique environment for biotechnology
February 4, 2025
Syngenta Seeds moves to a new model for distribution of NK traited soybeans
Innovative Genomics Institute (IGI) at 10 years — 10 key achievements
FMC Corporation announces 2024 fourth quarter and full year results, provides 2025 outlook
Agdia launches AmplifyRP LAMP Master Mix: a game-changer for rapid molecular diagnostics
University of Nevada, Reno researcher develops potential game-changing sorghum varieties for dairy feed and gluten-free human nutrition - The new sorghum varieties provide a climate-smart alternative grain for food science, breweries and dairy farmers
Die Saatbau Erntegut bietet für das Frühjahr 2025 wieder attraktive Vertragsmodelle mit den Sommerbraugersten Leandra an
Vom feinen Samen zur köstlichen Fülle - Mohn verbindet man meist mit dem Waldviertel und dem Waldviertler Graumohn, doch auch Oberösterreichs fruchtbare Ackerböden eignen sich gut für den Anbau
Gazette van de Raad voor plantenrassen januari 2025 Gazette of the Board for plant varieties January 2025
Why do plants transport energy so efficiently and quickly? Quantum mechanics helps with photosynthesis Wieso Pflanzen so effizient und schnell Energie transportieren - Quantenmechanik hilft bei der Photosynthese
CIAT-Forages Program completes EBS adoption through knowledge exchange with CG-Breeding Resource Services
The epigenetic state of the chromosome remains stable after inversion by CRISPR/Cas Epigenetischer Zustand des Chromosoms bleibt nach Inversion durch CRISPR/Cas stabil
Growing turf that lasts season after season
Deutschland - Verbändegespräch im Dezember 2024
Bundesverband der VO-Firmen e.V. (BVO) - BVO-Info Nr. 01/2025
United Kingdom - Designing fungicide programmes for variety trials
Germinal revolutionises sustainable farming with launch of new Climate Smart seed products (Farming Life)
High-yield rice breed emits up to 70% less methane
Oats and peas: a winning combination?
L’orge de printemps Timber de SECOBRA Recherches, de qualité A, passe en observation commerciale
Le gouvernement malgache vise une superficie de 50.000 hectares de riz hybride (Xinhua)
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