Denmark and Argentina
February 2, 2018
DLF, global leader in forage and turf seed, has acquired the assets of Gapp Semillas S.A. based in Pergamino, Argentina. The acquisition is a strategic move to enhance the Group’s business platform in South America
DLF’s investment in Gapp confirms the Group’s strategic goal to develop a strong business platform in South America. Gapp Semillas, established in 2007, is headquartered with administration, warehouse facilities and a trial station in Pergamino, and has a turnover of approximately five mill. USD.
"This investment is an important step in our strategic ambitions for South America. We established DLF Estero in 2016 in Uruguay and we have a growing business there. Argentina is by far the largest market for temperate grasses in South America, and with a growing economy and an improved political climate, now is the opportunity to enter Argentina,” says CEO of DLF, Truels Damsgaard.
"We have known Gapp for several years as a highly respected seed company. With the confidence and optimism that we experience in the agricultural sector in Argentina, we find, that the timing is right to scale-up the access to our plant genetics and high performing varieties.
From left: Carlos Rocha, General Manager in DLF Estero and Guillermo Thisted, Gapp CEO & President of the Argentinian Seed Chamber at the signing and closing ceremony February 1., 2018.
Fra venstre: Carlos Rocha, der leder DLF Estero og Guillermo Thisted. direktør i Gapp ved underskrivelsen den 1. februar 2018
"Gapp offers an excellent opportunity to leverage our ongoing investments in research and plant breeding even further. Our varieties, developed from our global research activities, are well adapted and well performing in many parts of South America. The acquisition of Gapp in Argentina and integration of our current seed production and sales activities in DLF Estero, enables us to participate and unlock a considerable potential for beef and dairy farmers - as well as for professional turf grass users in South America,” says Truels Damsgaard.
Guillermo Thisted, Gapp CEO & President of the Argentinian Seed Chamber (CSBC), sees good synergies and growth opportunities for Gapp under the leadership of DLF. “South America provides great opportunities for DLF, and Gapp Semillas is a very good match in DLF’s business strategy to grow their business in South America. We are confident that DLF, being a strong and innovative plant breeding and science-based company, will develop the seed business in an interesting and growing forage marked.”
Gapp Semillas is a privately owned seed company, established in 2007 and based in Pergamino, Argentina. Gapp produces, distributes, sells and markets range of cool-season and warm-season forage grasses and legumes, sorghum, and warm season summer crops. Domestic sales are performed through a network of 75 distributors throughout Argentina. Moreover, the company exports to Brazil, Uruguay and other countries. Gapp incorporates leading technology in seed treatment.
DLF is the global market leader in the forage and turf seed industry and substantial activities in sugar beet seed, seed potatoes and vegetable seed production. More than 1200 employees in 16 countries. The company has a worldwide breeding network as well as production and sales of seeds to more than 80 countries worldwide. Owned by 3.500 Danish farmers. The DLF group has a revenue of 590 Million US$.
DLF køber Gapp Semillas i Argentina
DLF har overtaget aktiverne i det argentinske frøfirma Gapp Semillas S.A., der har base i Pergamino, Argentina. Opkøbet er et strategisk skridt for at styrke koncernens forretningsplatform i Sydamerika
DLFs investering i Gapp er et led i koncernens strategiske mål om at udvikle en stærk forretningsplatform i Sydamerika. Gapp Semillas, der blev oprettet i 2007, har hovedkontor med administration, lagerfaciliteter og en forsøgsstation i Pergamino, og omsætter for ca. 30 mio. kr.
"Opkøbet af Gapp er et vigtigt skridt i vores strategiske ambitioner for Sydamerika. Vi etablerede DLF Estero i Uruguay i 2016, hvor vi har oplevet en positiv udvikling i forretningen. Argentina er langt det største marked for tempereret fodergræs i Sydamerika og med en økonomi i vækst og et forbedret politisk klima, ser vi nu muligheden for at etablere os i Argentina, siger administrerende direktør i DLF, Truels Damsgaard.
"Vi har kendt Gapp gennem flere år som et solidt frøfirma. Og med den optimisme og tro på fremtiden, som vi oplever i landbrugssektoren i Argentina, har vi vurderet, at timingen nu er rigtig til at forstærke vores adgang til markedet med vores kløvergræs-sortiment, der passer fint til produktionsområderne i Argentina.
"Opkøbet af Gapp giver os muligheden for en bedre udnyttelse af vores investeringer i vores planteforædling, der strækker sig over fem kontinenter. Vores sorter klarer sig rigtigt godt i mange dele af Sydamerika. Integrationen af Gapp med vores nuværende frøproduktions- og salgsaktiviteter i DLF Estero i Uruguay forstærker vores muligheder for at deltage i frømarkedet, hvor vi kan tilbyde et stærkt sortiment til såvel oksekøds- og mælkeproducenter som til plænegræsbrugere i Sydamerika," siger Truels Damsgaard.
Gapp Semillas er et privatejet frø selskab etableret i 2007 og baseret i Pergamino, Argentina. Gapp producerer, distribuerer, markedsfører og sælger frø af flere tempererede og subtropiske fodergræs- og bælgplanter. Det indenlandske salg sker via et netværk af 75 forhandlere i Argentina. Desuden eksporterer virksomheden til Brasilien, Uruguay og andre lande.
DLF er global markedsleder inden for foder- og græsfrøindustrien og har betydelige aktiviteter inden for sukkerroerfrø, læggekartofler og produktion af grøntsagsfrø. 1200 ansatte i 16 lande. Virksomheden har et verdensomspændende set-up til forædling, produktion og afsætning af frø, der sker til over 80 lande verden over. Ejet af 3.500 danske landmænd. DLF-koncernen omsætter for 3,5 mia. kr.