During harvest, ASTA is reminding farmers to be diligent in taking the proper precautions to ensure treated seed does not enter the domestic or export grain supply. Listen for our PSA on ag networks across the nation, which delivers the following message:
“As harvest begins, the American Seed Trade Association reminds farmers to be diligent in taking the proper precautions to ensure treated seed does not enter the domestic or export grain supply.
When seeds, treated with beneficial seed treatments, are properly handled, they are an effective agronomic tool that provides seeds the necessary protection for a strong, healthy start. Completely remove all treated seed left in containers and equipment used to handle harvested grain, and dispose of it properly. Always be careful to follow state and federal guidelines for proper handling, storage and disposal of treated seed. For more information, visit www.seed-treatment-guide.com or contact your seed dealer.”
Also, check out our new video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-6th_-2gis about the Five Basic Steps for Stewardship of treated seed. Learn more at seed-treatment-guide.com.