Hägersten, Sweden and Springfield, Illinois, USA
June 3, 2016
Perten Instruments announced that its IM 9500 Whole Grain NIR with Results Plus software received a National Type Equipment Program (NTEP) Certificate of Conformance. NTEP approval means that the IM 9500 and its new software was put through a rigorous set of tests and found to meet or exceed the National Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST) Handbook 44 requirements for testing devices. The purpose of NTEP is to provide a framework to systematically test devices that will be used “for selling, purchasing, exchanging, custody transfer, or establishing the cost for services or hire on the basis of a measurement” according the NTEP website.
The Inframatic 9500 whole grain NIR instrument tests whole grains for constituents such as moisture, protein, and oil in 25 seconds – making it the fastest NTEP approved analyzer. The instrument is rugged and designed for use in elevator and grain processing environments. With several thousand instruments installed, it has proven reliability and usefulness.
“In addition to the 25 second analysis time, the new Results Plus software provides many useful and productive features” reports Jory Harris – Grain Manager (US) for Perten. “In combination with NetPlus Remote, users can administrate multiple instruments from anywhere in the world. NetPlus Reports allows users to view data from web-enabled devices 24/7 from anywhere in the world. Instruments are fully networkable allowing users to view single or multiple instrument’s results from any net connected device.”
Additionally, the IM 9500 is supplied with a synthetic sample to monitor hardware by checking wavelength scale, path length, and test weight quickly and simply. It comes with a 5 year warranty on the monochromator, a spare lamp for maximum up-time, and includes all available calibrations at no additional cost.
Perten Instruments – a PerkinElmer company - is represented in over 100 countries and provides tools for quality control and process monitoring. These tools include cutting edge Diode Array based technology, near-infrared analyzers, high frequency moisture analyzers, the Rapid Visco Analyser, laboratory mills, single kernel analyzers, Falling Number systems, and instruments that characterize dough, gluten and starch quality for the grain, flour, food and feed industries.