Ames, Iowa, USA
May 23, 2016
Iowa State University Seed Science Center Director Manjit Misra has announced that Dr. Charles Block will lead the center’s seed health testing program.
Block, who has served as a plant pathologist for the USDA-ARS North Central Region Plant Introduction Station and assistant plant pathology professor at Iowa State, will assume the position of Seed Health Testing Coordinator on July 1, 2016.
Block holds a B.S. in chemistry from Briar Cliff University and Masters and Ph.D. degrees in plant pathology from Iowa State. During his 37-year career at the Plant Introduction Station, Block coordinated the seed health testing program, handled phytosanitary issues, and provided support to curators on plant disease-related issues.
As Seed Health Testing Coordinator, Block will direct one of the most active phytosanitary seed testing programs in the country. The lab tests a large percentage of the seed lots exported from the U.S. and certifies others through the National Seed Health System (NSHS), a program which Block will co-administer.
The program was formerly led by ISU seed pathologist Lisa Shepherd Jenkins who passed away in July of 2015. “Lisa was regarded as an international expert in seed health by the seed industry,” said Misra. “Her shoes are not easy ones to fill. But we are confident that Charlie’s nearly 40 years of experience and expertise in seed-borne diseases and seed-borne plant pathogens make him an excellent candidate for the position. We expect the transition to be virtually seamless.”
As part of his new position, Block will conduct sample diagnostics, pathogen identification, and interpretation of test results for more than 350 plant pathogens. He will participate on national panels, boards, and committees that involve seed-borne diseases, test methods, and phytosanitary regulations, and conduct research in seed pathology. He will also evaluate and improve existing seed-testing protocols and provide instruction and training for seed industry personnel, scientists, and regulatory officials.
The ISU Seed Science Center is the Administration Unit for the U.S. National Seed Health System (NSHS). As Co-director of the NSHS Administration Unit, Block will facilitate the accreditation of private companies to conduct phytosanitary testing and standardize laboratory and field inspection methods across the U.S. He will work with national and international contacts to keep abreast of new and emerging diseases and will act as a liaison with the USDA-APHIS-PPQ, the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, and the American Seed Trade Association on international seed trade issues.
“I have had longstanding connections to the Seed Science Center that started as a graduate student and continued through years of collaboration on seed-related topics,” said Block. “The Center is recognized as a leader in seed health testing and as a respected source of information on seed-borne diseases. I am pleased to join the staff and for the opportunity to blend my expertise with theirs to address the challenges ahead. Lisa Shepherd Jenkins created a seed testing program with a reputation for trustworthiness and excellence. I hope to build upon and to strengthen that reputation as we move forward.”