February 11, 2016
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently announced the registration approval of the active ingredient nicosulfuron (the active ingredient in DuPont™ Zest™ herbicide) that will complement the non-GMO DuPont™ Inzen™ herbicide-tolerance sorghum trait.
This product, the only herbicide technology focused solely on sorghum, will provide growers with over-the-top grass control for the first time ever as a result of a 10-year partnership between Kansas State University and DuPont Crop Protection with support from the Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, the Sorghum Checkoff and National Sorghum Producers.
“I thank the EPA for their attention to grower needs and the approval of this much needed technology across the Sorghum Belt,” said James Born, NSP board chairman from Booker, Texas. “Our industry has worked a long time for this technology. As growers, we have been entrusted with this new tool to control grass in sorghum, and it is critical we provide the stewardship and best management practices needed to ensure it remains available long-term.”
DuPont Pioneer and Advanta US have a joint agreement to commercialize DuPont™ Inzen™ herbicide-tolerant sorghum. DuPont received registration approval Nov. 10 from the EPA for tolerances to nicosulfuron and rimsulfuron on sorghum varieties containing the DuPont™ Inzen™ herbicide-tolerance trait—an important first step to the approval for the herbicide Zest™. As new hybrids become available, the sorghum industry will emphasize best management practices to ensure the long-term viability and sustainability of this technology.
“Producer surveys have shown the top hurdle sorghum farmers face in optimizing yields is providing over-the-top grass control,” said Tim Lust, NSP and Sorghum Checkoff CEO. “This news is a monumental achievement for our organizations and sorghum farmers across the U.S., and we are excited to see limited quantities of this new technology in the field in 2016.”