Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
January 11, 2016
Winter wheat in Western Canada is receiving a huge boost as a crop with the recent addition of partner, The Mosaic Company Foundation, the newest member of the Western Winter Wheat Initiative (WWWI). The Mosaic Company Foundation is now helping to fund the WWWI with an investment of $1 million over the next three years.
"We are fortunate to have such great industry support for winter wheat as a crop here on the Prairies," says Paul Thoroughgood, with the WWWI. "Now that The Mosaic Company Foundation is on board, we are able to continue supporting the growth of winter wheat across Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, and have professional agronomists available to help farmers improve their bottom lines."
An excellent fit in crop rotations, winter wheat complements all the WWWI partners' visions for a sustainable agricultural landscape. Not only is winter wheat one of, if not the most, high-yielding and profitable crops grown on the Prairies, it also has a more efficient use of crop inputs, uses reduced tillage, and provides wildlife habitat, making it one of the most environmentally and conservation-friendly crops around.
"As global demand for food increases, farmers are working to sustainably intensify the amount of food they grow while enhancing environmental protection. Winter wheat is a great example of this in action," says Mark Kaplan, Board President of The Mosaic Company Foundation and Senior Vice President of Public Affairs at The Mosaic Company. "We are pleased to support the Western Winter Wheat Initiative as it helps farmers optimize yields and improves nutrient stewardship and water quality outcomes."
The WWWI is a strong advocate for responsible farm management practices and the 4R's for Nutrient Stewardship and recognizes The Mosaic Company Foundation as the perfect addition to its efforts.
Promoting winter wheat as a great sustainable crop option for farmers in Prairie Canada, the WWWI offers expert agronomic support and funds breeding and agronomy research programs thanks to like-minded industry partners Bayer CropScience, Ducks Unlimited Canada, Richardson International Limited, and now, The Mosaic Company Foundation.
For more information, visit or follow the WWWI on Twitter @growwinterwheat.
About the Western Winter Wheat Initiative
The Western Winter Wheat Initiative is a collaboration between industry members who support a sustainability model for Canada's agricultural landscapes. The purpose of this initiative is to build awareness and credibility of winter wheat as a highly productive crop option for western Canadian farmers.
About The Mosaic Company and The Mosaic Company Foundation
The Mosaic Company is the world's leading producer and marketer of concentrated phosphate and potash, two essential crop nutrients. Driven by its mission to help the world grow the food it needs, Mosaic is committed to working toward improved global food security and protecting critical water resources. The Mosaic Company and The Mosaic Company Foundation make investments in and partner with best-of-class leaders in the focus areas of food, water and local community investments. More information about Mosaic is available at: