The Netherlands
December 9, 2015
Slot: Monday, January 11, 2016: 6:10 PM-8:20 PM
After the great response to our blog article we decided to raise the topic of the need for digital plant phenotyping in a workshop at the Plant Animal Genome conference in San Diego. This workshops goal is to put phenotyping into perspective. All presenters have a well established reputation in plant phenotyping and would like to share their experience and latest results to give a realistic impression on the current and future status of digital plant phenotyping. This workshop will be of great value for those planning the first or next steps into digital plant phenotyping. After these inspiring talks there is time to debate together in order to answer the question raised in this workshops title.
A workshop organized by industrial partners to share visions for the future of plant phenotyping, and to provide insights from key opinion leaders in plant science.
6:20 pm Prof. Dr. John Doonan, University of Aberystwyth, UK
Image-based phenotyping to measure plant diversity and performance
6:40 pm Dr. April Agee Carroll, Purdue University, USA
Applications of Digital Plant Phenotyping to Crop Science and Basic Plant Biology
7:00 pm Dr. Vincent Vadez, ICRISAT, India
High Throughput Phenotyping: Framing the Right Research Questions to Generate Relevant Data
7:20pm Panel Discussion
Chairman: Prof. Dr. Roberto Tuberosa, Univeristy of Bologna, Italy
By facilitating this workshop the organizing committee (Phenospex, PSI and Phenokey) would like to advocate we’re convinced that collaboration between suppliers and users will fuel the next steps in the inspiring field of plant phenotyping. We do not intend to make this workshop overly commercial but rather want to further narrow the genome vs phenome gap, the suppliers vs users gap has to be bridged. We hope you will join us to contribute to answer the question raised in this workshop’s title.