Houston, Texas, USA
October 26, 2015
RiceTec opened sales of its long grain rice seed earlier this month, offering rice growers the opportunity to purchase highest-yielding long grain rice seed on the market. RiceTec also announced it is offering special volume and loyalty discounts depending upon the quantities purchased.
RiceTec’s product line-up is once again led by such established performers as XL753 which demonstrated a +25 percent yield advantage this summer compared to conventional variety Roy J. That makes it the highest-yield established long grain rice in the south. RiceTec XL753 offers farmers an excellent disease package and has been shown to have good ratoon potential in the Gulf States.
For growers seeking a herbicide treated product, there is the ever popular Clearfield XL745, the most widely grown long-grain rice in America over the past 5 years which offers consistent yield across all soil types. RiceTec is offering special pricing on Clearfield XL745 this fall, representing a 16% savings over last year. And of course the same volume and loyalty discounts can be applied to purchases as well, making it an especially attractive buy.
In all, RiceTec has seven high yielding rice seed products for sale, including three conventional products: XL753, XL760 and XL723; and four herbicide tolerant products: Clearfield XL745, Clearfield XL729, Clearfield XL4534, and Clearfield XP756.
“We have heard stories from farmers throughout the Southern rice region about how they achieved very strong yields for the adverse growing conditions this summer growing RiceTec rice,” reported Van McNeely, Director of Sales for RiceTec. “And with rice futures having increased $2/cwt since last spring, it makes even more economic sense to purchase our high yielding RiceTec seed products this fall.”
Growers have the potential to earn up to a 5% discount by reaching the maximum Volume Discount (excluding Silver brand and Levee brand products). In addition, for the second year in a row, RiceTec is offering its Loyalty Program whereby qualifying growers stand to earn an additional 3 percent rebate on their net seed purchase. See your Sales representative for specific details.
The 2016 RiceTec Replant Policy will provide RiceTec seed customers extra security, offering a 50% replant opportunity on any RiceTec rice seed should the customer not obtain an adequate initial stand on their RiceTec rice acreage. Certain qualifying conditions must be met. Please see your RiceTec representative for full details.
RiceTec also offers various payment options including financing from John Deere Financial on purchases made between October 1, 2015 and May 1, 2016. By taking advantage of this financing option, growers can purchase rice seed today with no upfront payments and no interest until July 1, 2016.
Since RiceTec first introduced its high yielding rice seed back in 2000, the company has pursued a process of continuous improvement in yield, quality and sustainability. “We pride ourselves on offering growers the most sustainable rice seed products on the market. Our products not only increase the output per acre by up to 25%, they use 30 percent less water on average and emit 36 percent fewer greenhouse emissions than the average conventional product, while using fewer pesticides,” explained Dr. Brian Ottis, RiceTec Global Development Lead.
Growers can find out more about purchasing RiceTec seed at www.ricetec.com or calling 877-580-7423