Enkhuizen, The Netherlands
September 2, 2015
Step inside and discover our world of innovation
- Priming research
- Pelleting development
- Health solutions
Wednesday 23rd & Thursday 24th September, 2015
Enkhuizen Research and Development Centre
Meet our team of experts, tour Germains laboratories, discover more about Germains wide product rand and bespoke solutions.
To find out how Germains can maximise the potential of your seed, please register and confirm your attendance.
Registration is required to secure your place and optimise your visit.
Light refreshments will be served throughout the day.
For more information, contact your account manager or
Jolanda Davidse – van Weverwijk on +31(0) 543 467467.
We look forward to meeting you,
Richard Nicholls Ab Aarnoudse
European Commercial Manager European R&D Manager