Lubbock, Texas, USA
June 15, 2015
The referendum on the continuation of the Sorghum Checkoff passed by an overwhelming 96.5 percent reported today by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service.
“Results from the referendum indicate sorghum farmers across the nation believe in the work the Sorghum Checkoff is doing,” said Sorghum Checkoff Chairman Dale Murden. “This was a very important vote and signals the Checkoff is providing results and advancing the industry in a way that leads to farmer profitability.”
The Sorghum Checkoff referendum, hosted by USDA-AMS, was held by producer vote March 23 through April 21, 2015, and yielded 1,160 votes in favor and 42 votes against the continuation of the Sorghum Checkoff with Texas and Kansas producing the largest voter turnout. Votes were received from 18 states.
“The sorghum industry is at a turning point,” said Tim Lust, Sorghum Checkoff and National Sorghum Producers CEO, “and we’re pleased to see we have vast support from sorghum farmers who are the foundation of our industry.”
“Our organizations are working hard for the sorghum industry and the American farmer,” Lust said. “These results reaffirm positive momentum in the industry and signal we are on the track to do great things on behalf of sorghum farmers.”