Kentland, Indiana, USA
March 19, 2015

AgVenture McKillip Seeds new seed treatment facilities at Wabash, Indiana provide efficiency, accuracy, options, and safety.
Seed treatments historically have helped protect producers’ seed at planting, and through emergence and early seedling establishment. They provide protection from early feeding by insects and plant injury from diseases. But exceptional advancement s in seed treatments have recently greatly increased the range of protection available and the specificity of products directly suited to an individual set of problems growers experience in their fields.
AgVenture McKillip Seeds, Wabash, Indiana this week has unveiled state-of-the-art seed treatment equipment that will greatly enhance options for their farmer customers across Indiana and Ohio. AgVenture McKillip Seeds President, Mike McKillip said, “This is an exciting step forward. We’re proud to offer our customers this high-tech, advanced option for managing their seed treatments.”
In a given year, AgVenture McKillip Seeds Sales and Marketing Manager Mitch Snyder explained that a farmer may have a variety of conditions to consider; early planting, wet field, or fields with historical issues with Sudden Death Syndrome, nematodes, certain seedling diseases or White Mold. “Our new seed treatment capabilities allow us to address those yield-limiting factors with specific seed treatment packages customized for that specific field and the variety that we have recommended to maximize that field’s potential.
“Technology advancements have allowed us to farm differently than we did even five years ago,” said Snyder. “We now have the ability to customize so many aspects of our production management systems. Our Maximum Profit System™ focuses on specific challenges at each field level. Now, in addition to finding the best hybrids and varieties, we can customize seed treatment packages for a specific cropping plan. In the future, it means we can further complement our high-yielding varieties, addressing their susceptibilities directly with specific seed treatment packages. Ultimately, it means greater yield and greater profitability for our customers.”
The new seed treatment equipment, according to Snyder is among the industry’s most progressive. “In addition to providing customers with more options, this equipment greatly advances the accuracy of application on every seed at the most refined level. That improves efficiency and efficacy of the seed treatments applied, and the speed at which we can fill direct orders. Finally, we are able to specifically program into the unit, the exacting requirements for our Security™ Seed Treatments at the punch of a button.”
Mike McKillip said, “More safely, accurately and efficiently, we now can include a broader range of nutrition, biologicals, nematicides, insect and disease protection. We are also well-prepared for future advanced seed treatment offerings.” He concluded, “Once the crop is planted, upwards of 75 percent of the yield potential is set. Our customers’ profitability is the goal. We have taken the steps to help improve early spring seed protection.”
AgVenture, Inc. is the nation’s largest network of independently owned regional seed companies. Based in Kentland, Indiana, AgVenture provides this growing network of independently owned and managed seed business owners with seed products meeting exacting standards for quality, together with leading-edge genetics and technology. Since 1983, this unique marketing approach has allowed each individual company to match the hybrids it sells to the specific needs of the geographical area it serves. Combined with professional seed representation at a local level, AgVenture strives to help every grower realize more profit from every field.