UC Davis Plant Breeding Academy by numbers
Davis, California, USA
February 6, 2015
The UC Davis Plant Breeding AcademySM (PBA) is a professional certificate program offered since 2006 with classes in the United States, Europe, Asia and Africa. 171 breeders, with a wide variety of backgrounds, have been trained by the PBA.
Here are some interesting facts about the PBA:
Participation by last degree completed:
- BSc – 92
- MSc – 45
- PhD – 34
Participation by position:
- Breeders responsible for one or more crops – 93
- Assistant/associate breeders – 48
- Breeding support – 30
Participation by crop type:
- Vegetable and flowers – 77
- Field crops – 66
- Other crops or support – 28
Among the private industry breeders, more than 70% of participation is from companies that have repeatedly sent candidates to PBA.
Organizations represented in the UC Davis Plant Breeding Academy:
- Abbott and Cobb, Inc.,
- Agricultural Institute Osjek,
- Alfaseed,
- American Takii, Inc.,
- Ball Horticultural Company,
- Bayer CropScience,
- Beijing Vegetable Research Center,
- Betaseed, Inc.,
- Chinese Biotechnology and Nuclear Agriculture Research Institute,
- Boreal Plant Breeding LTD,
- Centre National de Recherche Agronomique (CNRA),
- Chia Tai Co., Ltd,
- Clover Seed Company,
- Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana,
- Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria,
- Crookham Co., Dairyland Seed Co.,
- Danko Breeding Company,
- Degao Vegetable Seed and Seedling Research Institute,
- Deutsche Saatveredelung AG,
- Dialsoft Beheer B.V.,
- Dilla University,
- College of Agriculturw and Natural Resources,
- Dixon Seeds,
- DL Seeds,
- DLF-Trifolium,
- Doctor Seeds,
- Dow AgroSciences,
- Driscoll's,
- DuPont Pioneer,
- East-West Seeds,
- Eduardo Mondlane University,
- Agronomy and Forestry Engineering,
- Green Seeds Inc.,
- Halls Plant Farm,
- Haramaya University,
- HM.Clause,
- Horizont Seeds,
- HortResearch,
- HSR Seeds Pty Ltd,
- Hy Tech Production Ltd,
- Hygrotech,
- Institute for Agricultural Research Chile,
- Institut de l'Environment et de Recherches Agricoles (INERA),
- Johnny's Selected Seeds,
- K&B Development, LLC,
- Kartoffelzucht Boehm,
- Kenya Agricultural Research Institute,
- Known-You Seed Co.,
- KWS,
- Lagos State University,
- Ojo Campus,
- Larse Farms, Inc.,
- Lundberg Family Farms,
- Magnus Kahl Seeds,
- Malaysian Palm Oil Board,
- Maraldi Sementi,
- MayAgro,
- Michael Okpara University of Agriculture,
- MillerCoors,
- Monsanto,
- Natiional Horticultural Research Institute,
- National Agricultural Research Institute of Niger (INRAN),
- National Engineering Research Center for Vegetables,
- Nidera S.A.,
- Norddeutsche Pflanzenzucht HansāGeorg Lembke KG,
- NuSeed,
- Pannar Seed, Inc.,
- Paragon Seed, Inc.,
- Pioneer DuPont,
- Plant Sciences, Inc.,
- Progeny Advanced Genetics,
- Pybas Seed Co., Inc.,
- Rice Experiment Station,
- RJ Rainolds,
- Rwanda Agriculture Board,
- Saaten-Union Recherche,
- Saatzucht Gleisdorf,
- Sakata Seed America,
- Semillas Fitó,
- Senegalese Agriculture Research Institute (ISRA),
- Southern Agricultural Research Institute(SARI),
- Syngenta,
- Synthetic Genomics, Inc.,
- Technisem,
- Tomato Solutions,
- University of Goettingen,
- University of Groningen,
- University of Ibadan,
- University of Nigeria,
- Nuskka,
- Urumqi Yunong Seed Co. Ltd.,
- Vilmorin
- West Africa Centre for Crop Improvement.
Class IV of the European PBA will start in October 2015 and it is now open for registration.
For more information about the UC Davis Plant Breeding Academy contact Joy Patterson at jpatterson@ucdavis.edu or visit pba.ucdavis.edu.
More news from: . Plant Breeding Academy (PBA) . Seed Biotechnology Centre at UC Davis . University of California, Davis
Website: http://pba.ucdavis.edu/ Published: February 6, 2015 |