Geneseo, Illinois, USA
March 1, 2010
Wyffels Hybrids is releasing eight new advanced corn hybrids for its 2011 commercial lineup. In addition to seven new base genetics, Wyffels’ new lineup features the latest advancements in seed technologies.
This class includes hybrids stacked with Genuity™ SmartStax™ and Genuity™ VT Triple PRO™, as well as new hybrids with YieldGard VT Triple®, Roundup Ready 2®, and Agrisure® 3000GT. Genuity SmartStax combines Genuity VT Triple PRO with Herculex® 1 and Herculex® RW for the broadest above and below-ground insect protection and weed control. Not only does it offer multiple modes of action, but it is the first technology to allow a five percent refuge for above and below-ground insect pests.
“At Wyffels, we’re dedicated to delivering the latest seed technology in the most advanced genetic packages for grower’s operations,” said Fritz Behr, vice president of research at Wyffels Hybrids. “And growers can feel confident that the seed they’re purchasing from Wyffels contains the best genetics coupled with the best trait platforms in the industry. This new lineup will be highly competitive in the marketplace and will lead their maturity ranges in many areas of the country.”
New corn hybrids announced
W1831 (97 RM, YieldGard VT Triple®)
Combined with industry-leading yields and solid agronomics, W1831 is an excellent choice for an early season hybrid. This new hybrid has impressive drydown, excellent green snap resistance, and amazing root strength that provides W1831 with staying power in tough growing conditions.
W2849 (102 RM, Agrisure® 3000GT)
Featuring strong roots and stalks, W2849 is a solid yield performer with good late season plant health. With exceptional early vigor and emergence, this hybrid is suitable for all soil types, including low-productivity areas where populations are reduced, and is an excellent choice for corn on corn and no-till acres.
W4179 (105 RM, Agrisure 3000GT)
A top yielding hybrid for its maturity, W4179 has exceptional drought tolerance and a nice harvest appearance. With very good resistance to northern leaf blight and anthracnose, this hybrid is an excellent choice for corn on corn acres. A semi-flex ear enhances the potential for top yield at a wide range of populations.
W5568 (108 RM, Genuity™ SmartStax™)
Expect W5568 to be a stand out in its maturity with stable, high-end yields packed on girthy ears. This newcomer features exceptional standability, excellent green snap resistance and very good drought tolerance. It’s widely adaptable across soil types with good east to west movement.
W6927 (111 RM, Genuity™ VT Triple PRO™)
A reliable, high yield performer, W6927 has excellent stalk strength, good west to east adaptability and features a girthy ear with good grain quality. Highly recommended for corn on corn acres, W6927 responds well to higher populations for more dollars per acre.
W7071 (111 RM, YieldGard VT Triple)
From its impressive agronomics to a good late season plant appearance, W7071 will produce a consistent, reliable yield. This hybrid is an excellent choice for corn on corn acres, suitable for most soils and is adaptable to a large geographic area.
W8437 (115 RM, Genuity VT Triple PRO)
Demonstrating consistent performance across environments, W8437 is a high-yielding full season hybrid. With good east to west adaptability, this hybrid has excellent standability, exceptional stalk strength and responds well to higher populations. Also released is W8430, a Roundup Ready® 2 version of W8437, which will provide growers with an excellent choice for their refuge acres.
Wyffels Hybrids, headquartered in Geneseo, Illinois, is one of the nation’s largest independent seed corn companies. Focusing strictly on developing and marketing elite corn hybrids, the company is dedicated to providing corn growers in Illinois, Iowa, southern Wisconsin and the Ohio River Valley with exceptional products, the latest agronomic information, and unmatched customer service and product support. To learn more or to request information, visit or call 1-800-369-7833.
Agrisure® is a registered trademark of a Syngenta Group Company.
Genuity™, Genuity and Design™, Genuity Icons™, Roundup®, Roundup Ready®, SmartStaxTM, SmartStax and Design™, VT Triple PROTM, and Roundup Ready 2 Technology and Design™ and YieldGard VT Triple® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC. Herculex is a trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC.