Guelph, Ontario, Canada
May 15, 2014
- Label expansion for winter wheat grown in Western Canada
- Widest window of application of both crop and weed stage
Syngenta Canada Inc. is pleased to announce that growers in Western Canada have a new option to control grass weeds in their winter wheat, thanks to the label expansion of Axial® herbicide, the number one cereal graminicide in the Prairie provinces.
“Based on feedback we have received, the addition of winter wheat to the Axial label will be a welcome development for growers of this crop, particularly as many of them have experienced its effectiveness in their spring wheat," said Jon Habok, Product Lead, Cereal Herbicides for Syngenta Canada. “In addition to broad-spectrum grass control at a single use rate, Axial is an easy-to-apply herbicide thanks to its built-in adjuvant."
Axial boasts superior control of the toughest grass weeds in winter wheat due to the product’s proprietary active ingredient, pinoxaden (Group 1). Axial is absorbed by the leaves and is rapidly translocated to the growing points of leaves and stems, providing thorough coverage of the plants, which is essential for consistent control.
Axial offers the widest window of application of both crop and weed stage compared to all other grass herbicides on the market, making the product an ideal option for situations where there is difficulty timing a herbicide application due to inconsistent crop emergence. Axial can be applied to winter wheat as early as the 1-leaf stage and as late as the flag leaf stage; it can be applied to grass weeds beginning at the 1-leaf stage through to 6-leaf, prior to the fourth tiller stage.
“Axial is an exciting new herbicide option for winter wheat growers; one that can be applied with confidence," concludes Habok.