United Kingdom
April 15, 2014
Syngenta recently sponsored its second postdoc research symposium at the University of Oxford. Prizes were awarded to researchers for their presentations.
Syngenta recently sponsored its second postdoctoral research symposium at the University of Oxford, where the researchers showcased their chemistry through a series of presentations. There was a broad range of topics, from biological chemistry to analytical sciences, including a talk on natural products in the discovery of innovative crop protection chemicals from Syngenta’s John Clough. John is a Syngenta Fellow and has many years of research chemistry experience.
Certificates and prizes of Amazon vouchers were awarded to Pavol Jakubec, Afaf El-Sagheer and Gokce Su Pulcu, shown from left to right in the image. They were given based on the quality and impact of their science, their personal contribution to the research and how well they handled the question and answer session. Along with John, Syngenta scientists Melloney Morris and Claire Russell attended the event and judged the presentations. They commented that the quality of the science was so good they had to award three prizes rather than the usual two! As part of the prize, the winners have also been invited to Jealott’s Hill, Syngenta’s largest research and development centre, to present their research to the local scientists.

Oxford University postdocs, pictured from left to right: Pavol Jakubec, Afaf El-Sagheer, Gokce Su Pulcu
The Oxford postdocs were very keen to meet with each other and hear about the research of their colleagues, and places to talk at the event were over-subscribed. The presentation session was followed by a networking drinks reception and dinner with all of the presenters and some academics from the University of Oxford, Department of Chemistry. Melloney Morris, Principal Research Chemist at Syngenta said, “Not many events like this happen for postdoc researchers and so everyone was very enthusiastic. It was a great opportunity for the postdocs and the Syngenta scientists to broaden their knowledge as well as strengthen ongoing links.”
This postdoc symposium is part of broader link between the University of Oxford and Syngenta. Syngenta has strongly supported the University’s recent and successful bid to the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) to become a Centre for Doctoral Training Centre (CDT) in areas relating to synthesis and biological chemistry. “We are one of several companies, and the only one in the crop protection chemistry area, who are looking forward to working closely with the Department of Chemistry at Oxford through