United Kingdom
March 26, 2014
Germains Seed Technology, was proud to support the SET for Britain Awards on Monday 17th March 2014, when six representatives from its business attended the awards ceremony at the House of Commons in London.
As sponsors of the Silver Award for Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Germains were invited with other large UK businesses and research centres, such as BP, Boeing and The Society for Biology, to support the work of early-stage and early-career research scientists, engineers and technologists. Sponsored by Andrew Miller MP, Chairman of the SET for BRITAIN organising group of the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, the session included an exhibition of posters by the UK’s research scientists of the future.
Germains are passionate about encouraging, supporting and promoting Britain’s young research scientists to progress in research and R&D. It provides innovative technology-driven solutions which enable seed breeders and seed growers to maximise the potential of seed in the field. With eight sites across the globe, three of which are dedicated R&D centres, Germains delivers local knowledge and expertise to a global seed market. From its King’s Lynn facility, it processes Sugar Beet seed for British Sugar, as well as processing and exporting treated seed to Europe and beyond.
Part of the West Norfolk Agricultural landscape, Germains are working closely with universities, Norwich Research Park and the John Innes Centre in Norwich to develop new technologies to attract more scientific and agronomy expertise to the business through initiatives such as SET for Britain and the development of a Centre of Excellence for Agriculture in East Anglia.
Recently Germains have become involved in the Agri-Tech Growth Initiative for Norfolk, Suffolk, Greater Cambridge and Peterborough, with the aim of creating a corridor of agricultural excellence for the Eastern region.
Germains support SET for Britain’s aims to raise the profile of Britain’s early-stage researchers at Parliament and elsewhere. Through the competition and exhibition, many young researchers will gain an awareness of the challenges and excitement in other areas of research.
Winner of the SET for Britain Silver Award in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences session, sponsored by Germains, was Amelie Heuer-Jungemann, 26, from the University of Southampton.